New York City July 13, 2009. Kashmiri American Council/Kashmir Center joins the worldwide friends and sympathizers of cause of Kashmir in solemn recognition of July 13th – ‘Martyrs Day’. It fully endorses the call given by the All Parties Hurriyet Conference for a peaceful protest all over the world on July 13th, 2009 to express the support and solidarity with the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Executive Director, Kashmiri American Council/Kashmir Center said while addressing a gathering at noon at East West Grill in Washington and a gathering in the evening at Brooklyn Community Center, Brooklyn, New York that ‘July 13th is forever scarred in the collective minds of the Kashmiri people as the day when the freedom movement was greeted with bullets.” He said that ‘Martyrs Day’ memorializes all those innocent victims, nearly 100,000, who have been forcibly silenced by the Indian atrocities that erupted two decades ago.
Dr. Fai reminded that Amnesty International (AI) asked India on June 11, 2009 to conduct “fair and impartial investigations” into the alleged rape and murder of a teenage girl and her sister-in-law involving troops (In Shopian). “These protests are about the ongoing failure of the Indian government to bring members of the security forces to justice for serious human rights violations. Until the Indian government provides accountability for the conduct of the armed forces in Kashmir, it will continue to face discontent from the residents,” AI said. “Authorities should ensure that security forces comply with international human rights standards on law enforcement, in particular those relating to the use of force to deal with protestors. Any instance of excessive use of force should be impartially investigated,” AI added.
Furthermore, Dr. Fai emphasized that the Kashmiri people’s resolve and continued commitment to peaceful protest is principled on the ongoing massive violations of their human rights, the recent abduction, rape and killing of two young girls in Shopian and the Indian Government’s atrocious dismissal of their aspirations for self-determination.
Dr. Fai quoted President Obama who said on July 10, 2009 at L’Aquila, Italy, “We don’t want stronger nations bullying weaker nations. On the other hand, where you have nations that are oppressing their people, isn’t there an international responsibility to intervene?
Dr. Fai mentioned that India and the United States should listen to one of India’s prominent journalists, Vir Sanghvi who wrote in Hindustan Times, “If you believe in democracy, then giving Kashmiris the right to self-determination is the correct thing to do.”
Dr. Fai referred to a noted academics, Prof. Angana Chatterji who said “the premise and structure of impunity connected to military rule and corresponding human rights abuses bear witness to the absence of accountability inherent to the continued occupation of Kashmir by the Indian state.”
Dr. Fai expressed concern because all available evidence testifies that human rights violations in Kashmir are systematic, deliberate, and officially sanctioned. Far from seeking to rectify its atrocious human rights record, India has legalized its state-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir. It has given its occupation forces powers to shoot to kill and the license to abuse the people of Kashmir in whatever ways they like in order to suppress the popular movement for basic human rights and human dignity.
Moreover, Dr. Fai emphasized that prudence dictates the United States recognize this grave human rights situation and apply diplomatic persuasion by appointing a special envoy on Kashmir which would go a long way to hasten the progress of peace and reconciliation in the region of South Asia, particularly India, Pakistan & Afghanistan.
The United States should also persuade both India and Pakistan to take the following steps:
1To include the genuine leadership of the people of Jammu & Kashmir in all future negotiations with India and Pakistan;
2.To have an immediate and complete cessation of military and paramilitary action by Indian forces against the people of Jammu & Kashmir;
3.To dismantle immediately all bunkers, watch towers and barricades set up by the Indian military and paramilitary forces in towns and villages;
4. To release unconditionally all those imprisoned in connection with resistance to the Indian occupation;
5.To repeal the draconian laws, including Jammu Kashmir Armed Forces Special Powers Act;
6.To restore the right of peaceful association, assembly and demonstration to the people of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
How about projecting the plight of the displaced Kashmiri Hindu Pandits ?