What Sindhis should do to get their right share?

By Munawar Ali, Washington DC

Every day we see new exploration of Gas and Oil/Coal from Sindh. Sindh produces major portion of the energy resources in Pakistan. Sindh’s Karachi port earns lots of wealth and Sindh generates revenue more than any other province. Yet why Sindh is one of the poorest areas of Pakistan and why Sindhis are living below poverty line?


Why federation does not give Sindh’s revenue to Sindh, is it because no one asks for it or everyone from Sindh is satisfied with the distribution?


Why our Sindhi leaders are always quiet, saying yes to everything to federation and where all the money goes which they get for public welfare spending? 

Why Sindhi leaders who were supposed to lead us to get our share back, are working as agents of establishment, agencies and other mafias?


Why PPP government whom Sindhi people brought to power corridors, are ignoring Sindhis and favouring all others?


Is it because Sindhi Mirs and Pirs think that Sindhi people are worthless just like establishment thinks about Sindhi leaders themselves?


If this is true then what Sindhi people should do to get their right share and lead a respectable life?

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