by: Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan
The representation to people of Sindh as it has been observed that in the appointment of heads of all institutions, financial corporations, banks and departments etc no Sindhi has been given the post of the head of the Department, bank and financial institution. In this way Sindhis deserving, highly qualified and experienced have been neglected and not given their constitutional rights and representation in any bank or financial institution.
Even recently, for the post of banking ombudsman, a retired Deputy Governor State Bank of Pakistan has been appointed who got two extensions in State Bank of Pakistan.The deserving people of Sindh are depressed and frustrated so much that from the policies of the PPP Government, they are thinking for diversion of their sympathies, hopes and blessings. Not only the appointment as the heads of banks but even no bank or corporation needs representation of Sindhis as its Board of Director or member of its committees. All intellectuals and parties of Sindh are demanding inquiries and checking of these facts to the effect that why not Sindhis are neglected and given their representations in all financial institutions.The President of Pakistan is therefore requested to issue his orders for providing constitutional representation to Sindhi people in all banks and in institutions.
Apirl 15, 2009