Ten Commandments for the contemporary world

Human society needs to adopt new ‘Ten Commandments’ for the salvation of human beings, the earth, and the life over it. The era of red, green, blue, and saffron tinted ideological states is over. Human society has evolved, throughout the course of its history, some basic values, and principles on which it has repeatedly tried to offer humanity the maximum possible equity, justice, prosperity, and peace.

No doubt, however, these values can never be attained in the absolute terms, therefore have always remained relative.

The evolution of religions, philosophies, doctrines and sociopolitical theories has always directed to these basic virtues, which is aimed to create new human and thereby a new human society.

After thousands years of transcending, the human society once again is at the verge of transcending process for a new order of collective survival, prosperity and liberation in broader terms.

It cannot voyage through the time without following seven pliers, which essentially will lead to global justice.

1) All forms of life including human beings have equal right over what is offered by nature on the globe. Human is a higher form of consciousness and is more responsible to the earth and all forms of life over it and on other planets in the universe as well.

2) Rights ensuring human and socioeconomic development that strengthens collectivism and integratedness will lead the individuals and collectives to the social, cultural, and economic liberties and liberations. It requires a new kind of statecraft, political discourse, culture, and development initiatives.

3) Economic self-reliance and livelihood security combined with rights are the foundations of development and human prosperity in the individual societies and around the globe.

4) The people could only achieve the climax of democracy when the theory of ‘government by the people’ transforms state-society relations into the governance by the people.

5) Justice and Peace are essentials for the human society. If the policies by states, governments, political parties and other social impact making forums are in contradiction with this, they will not only be counterproductive and retrogressive but retaliating as well.

6) Diversity in all of its forms, within the parameters of devised social systems, is a beauty of contemporary human social web and it has emerged on the foundations of modern human and industrial development.

7) An elevated social order is impossible without a necessarily healthier political discourse and culture, which will guaranty social, cultural, and spiritual prosperity. Only spiritually rich and elevated individuals can be the cornerstone of liberated human society. Individual and collective social actions need to be non-violent for the sustenance of human existence.

8) Whatever is offered by nature on the globe as well as in the universe is the collective human property. Individuals have only right on what they humanly produce.

9) Offending nature would retaliate in higher velocity to the human existence. The time has come when all manmade actions need to harmonious with the natural being.

10) Mafias have started dominating the statecraft in the majority nation-states. Revising the role of states and making the nation-states more humanistic is the only path to avoid upcoming global anarchy.

Almost all continents are witnessing anarchy of various forms. The time has come when world needs to sit together on the brewing global anarchy having its deep foundations in the local and global social injustice. Let the construction win over the global soul.

Courtesy: MeriNews.com
– See more at: http://www.merinews.com/article/ten-commandments-for-the-contemporary-world/15890745.shtml#sthash.GuafQiMq.dpuf

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