Tag Archives: Provincial

Demands of Canadians – Raise Corporate Taxes, Create Jobs, Raise Wages and Living Standards! Curb Corporate Power!

Raise Corporate Taxes, Create Jobs, Raise Wages and Living Standards! Curb Corporate Power!

The CPC (Ontario) has condemned the Ontario Budget, delivered yesterday, as a massive attack on working people and the poor that will destroy tens of thousands of jobs, drive down wages, pensions, incomes and living standards, and which, combined with the austerity measures in Thursday’s federal budget, could push the province into another deep economic recession.

The Executive Committee of the CPC (Ontario) also warned that the threat of legislated wage controls is a dangerous attack on free collective bargaining and on civil and democratic rights.

Continue reading Demands of Canadians – Raise Corporate Taxes, Create Jobs, Raise Wages and Living Standards! Curb Corporate Power!

Witnessing ethnic cleansing of Balochs – Balochistan ministers eye-witnessed 3 execution style slayings: Umrani

By Ahmar Mustikhan

A Balochistan minister and provincial  president of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party dropped a bomb shell on the floor of the Balochistan assembly Monday when he revealed that he and two other government minsters saw with their own eyes the execution-style killing of three Baloch youths by the Frontier Corps.

Sadiq Umrani,, Balochistan minister for communistaion and works, told the shocking story on the floor of the House, pro-independence web sites reported Monday.

“Few months back I (Sadiq Umrani), Zaffar Zehri and Younas Mullahzai were returning to Quetta from Kalat after offering our condolences to Agha Irfan Karim on demise of his mother. All three of us saw the FC shooting at three people; their hands were tied behind. The next day bodies of the three men were found dumped [in Mastung]. We are eye-witnesses of that incident,” Umrani told the Balochistan provincial assembly.

Umrani’s remarks come just two days ahead of the Oversight and Investigations Sub-committee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, summoned by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher at the Rayburn House Office Building on Wednesday.

Zaffar Zehri, who is home and tribal affairs minister, oversees much of the law-enforcement work in the bloody province and is an estranged brother of the chief of the Zehri tribe and servbices and general administration minister Sardar Sanaullah Zehri.

Mullahzai is the information minister of Balochistan.

Umrani made the speech during a debate on the killing of family members of opposition member Mir Bakhtiar Domki.

Domki’s wife Zamur Domki, 32, daughter Janan Domki, 13, and family driver Barkat Baloch were allegedly gunned by agents of Pakistani secret services in the wee hours of January 31 in Karachi, commercial capital of Pakistan.

Umrani has strong feelngs for Baloch patriots.

Though a member of a federalist party, Umrani has been a close friend of Baloch patriotic leader Dr. Abdul Hayee of the National Party since the time they were in jail together four decades ago.
Continue reading on Examiner.com Balochistan ministers eye-witnessed 3 execution style slayings: Umrani – Baltimore Foreign Policy | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/foreign-policy-in-baltimore/balochistan-ministers-eyewitness-to-execution-style-slayings-umrani#ixzz1n4KUDI00

Defend Occupy Toronto from Eviction!


The Toronto Police have served eviction notices to Occupy Toronto protesters at St. James Park (Jarvis St. and King St.), ordering them to vacate the park between 12 midnight tonight and 5 a.m. tomorrow and threatening to remove them. Removal in the wee hours of the night means the police want to act without witnesses, increasing the threat of violence against peaceful protestors at Occupy Toronto.

The message of the Occupy Toronto protesters, representing the views of the majority of people in Canada, is a sharp critique of the inequalities, suffering and corruption of the capitalist system and advocates a more just society.

The camp is an expression of the right to free assembly and free speech.

We call on all those who care for democracy, civil rights, and the right to dissent, to go to the Occupy Toronto site at St. James park (Jarvis and King) and to stand in solidarity with the camp and its ideals, and to prevent a government attack on peaceful protesters.

The OFL is mobilizing a mass picket, linking arms around the site, at 11 pm tonight. President Sid Ryan notes that in London last night, the cops waited until supporters went home and then moved against the Occupy site around 1 am.

Comrades and friends should start going to the park whenever they can, and those who can, should also go to the 11 pm rally ..

If you cannot go to the site, phone your city councillor and the Mayor to demand they stop the eviction, and stop security officials from forcibly removing peaceful protestors from the site. Call your MP and MPP, call the talk shows, make your voice heard.

CP24 is running a poll asking the public if they support the eviction or not. Go to http://www.cp24.com to vote.

Unity and Solidarity Can Win!

Toronto Committee and Provincial Executive, Communist Party of Canada (Ontario)

Nationalists seek ‘all provincial subjects’ for Sindh

KARACHI: Claiming that the 18th constitutional amendment has robbed the provinces of their rights and the centre has become stronger at the cost of the provinces, Sindhi nationalists have demanded that the centre surrender all provincial subjects to the provinces.

This claim was made by Sindh United Party President Syed Jalal Mehmoud Shah and the Sindh Dost Democratic Party chief Barrister Zamir Ghumro at a press conference at the Karachi Press Club on Tuesday. Other nationalists leaders who were present on the occasion included Shah Muhammad Shah, Dr Dodo Mehri, Ghulam Shah and Shahnaz Shah.

Reading out from a joint statement, Mr Shah said the parliamentary committee on the 18th amendment on the pretext of abolition of the concurrent list had taken away purely provincial subjects, including electricity, professions such as medical and engineering, and criminal law for the first time and had increased the entries of the federal lists from 67 to 74. …

Read more → DAWN.COM

A political revolution

By Rasul Bakhsh Rais

The passage of the 18th Amendment has set into motion, a remarkable, though slow, political revolution in restructuring Pakistan’s polity. This is far more momentous than restoring the parliamentary character of the constitution, or even granting provincial autonomy. The word autonomy cannot capture the true letter and spirit of the new federalism that is unfolding before us. Rather, it is about remodelling Pakistan’s political system according to a new principle of distribution of power, with the provinces as new centres of authority, power and resources.

Thinking of provinces as new centres of power and laying something down into the constitution to make them powerful, runs counter to both, the colonial tradition of supervising political evolution, and the centralised state and nation-building strategy followed for the past six decades. It goes to the credit of political parties and their leadership that they have realised that the old ways of governing Pakistan have failed and they needed to give a greater part of the power and resources of the centre, which had grown arrogant, paternalistic and insensitive to the provinces.

This structural change in the political order has created new conditions in which some groups and sections are bound to lose, while others will make gains. Who loses and who gains is an issue that will greatly impact the ongoing process of shifting power to the provinces, as the old, deeply entrenched political and bureaucratic groups fight to the last to save their little turfs and fiefdoms. In our case, the federal bureaucracy is the loser, as it cannot hope to rule the provinces under the guise of national integration, solidarity and security anymore. It will take a great deal of internal reflection on the part of the federal bureaucracy, as well as time, to adjust to the power shift. …

Read more : The Express Tribune

Afraid of devolution? -by I.A Rehman

WONDERS never cease. In the second decade of the 21st century, the transfer of power to the units of a federation has been made controversial! Efforts are being made to help the centre retain the privileges that rightfully belong to the provinces.

No student of politics will deny that Pakistan broke up in 1971 largely as a result of the policies designed to make the centre strong at the expense of provincial rights and aspirations. Nor can anyone forget that the failure to restore to the provinces what has always been due to them poses the greatest threat to the state’s integrity today.

We are also familiar with the arguments employed while calling for making the hands of one ruler or another strong. It was said the country faced so many threats that a centrally organised security edifice alone could preserve its integrity. The centre alone had the mental and physical wherewithal to achieve economic progress. In an Islamic state there could be only one centre of power and Pakistan had a special reason to crush centrifugal forces and fissiparous tendencies which were being fanned by the enemies of the state — democrats, secularists, advocates of the nationalities’ rights, separatists, et al.

For six decades, the politics of Pakistan revolved around the federal question. Any stratagem that could prevent the state from becoming a federation was in order — the fiction of parity, the abolition of provinces in the western part of the original state, the imposition of martial law and the state’s declaration of war against the majority nationality and the smallest nationality both. No wonder almost all democratic movements in the country have had their origins in the federating units’ struggle for self-government.The central demand was that the centre should keep only three or four subjects such as foreign affairs, external security, currency and communications. All other subjects — internal security, local government, planning, education and social welfare — were to be restored to the provinces.

It is in this context that one should examine the national consensus on re-designing the polity by meeting some of the main demands of the federating units. The endorsement of the 18th Amendment by all shades of opinion in parliament is nothing short of a miracle. It not only marks a giant stride towards realising the promise of the 1973 constitution, in several respects it surpasses the 1973 consensus.

Continue reading Afraid of devolution? -by I.A Rehman

HEC injustices: The weak PPP govt. has cowed down again on HEC issue

HEC: Story Of Gross Injustices To Smaller Provinces

HEC injustices: Out of the total of 61 scholarships, no scholarship was awarded to any university in Balochistan while only one scholarship was awarded to a student from the University of Karachi, Sindh. 36 scholarships went to Punjab, 19 to Islamabad and 5 to Pakhtoonkhwa.

By Aijaz Ahmed

Islamabad: The country witnessed a high drama in the past few weeks as certain people with vested interests, some pro-establishment media hawks, bureaucrats and few so-called intellectuals created uncalled for hype and misgivings against the government decision to devolve the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan & hand over some of its powers to the provinces according to the 18th Constitutional Amendment. The opposition has cowed down the present government, weak as it is, and it may delay the devolution of a federal agency, which doesn’t have any justification to exist anymore. The education is a provincial subject and all the relevant subjects need to be transferred to the provinces, sooner the better.

Higher Education Commission like all other federal departments and agencies has been widely accused of following policies detrimental to smaller provinces. It is also accused of gross injustices in awarding scholarships and carrying out other projects completely ignoring the smaller provinces.

Read more :  Indus Herald

Pakistan can no longer be ruled from Islamabad

National Integration – Masood Sharif Khan Khattak

Communication infrastructure, domestic tourism, undiluted provincial autonomy and bonding through the workplace play a vital role in the integration of a nation. Pakistan’s national integration has suffered immensely because these factors have never been crucially important to our leadership. Pakistan’s communication infrastructure is primitive, domestic tourism is non-existent, provincial autonomy only receives lip-service and bonding through the workplace is totally missing except in the armed forces. Uniform development across the country over the past sixty years would have solidly integrated the Pakistani nation but that did not happen due to absolute incompetence, poor leadership and corruption at all levels. The price Pakistan is paying for its neglect is in the shape of an internally disjointed nation forced to suffer the present-day indignities in the shape of terrorism and insurgency.

The political and military establishment must now understand that the military potential of any country is multiplied manifolds when it is backed by a nation that is well-integrated. An integrated nation can cover up for military shortfalls but military strength cannot cover up for the shortfalls of a nation that lacks integration and cohesion. The Soviet Union’s break-up in 1991 is an example that amply illustrates this aspect. Pakistan must, therefore, accord top priority to uniform development throughout the country in order to have a nation that can back its enviable military potential in a solid manner; if not, then all will be lost.

Nawaz Sharif deserves the credit for initiating the modern communication infrastructure of Pakistan that is so essential for the integration of a nation that lives in a country as big as Pakistan. The launching of the Lahore-Islamabad motorway by Nawaz Sharif in the early 90s was a huge step in the right direction. If the process had been initiated decades ago Pakistan today would have been a very cohesively integrated nation. …

Read more : PKcoluminist.com

Bravo Raza Rabani: WARNING from Senator Raza Rabani for those who are creating hurdles in Provincial Autonomy

HEC ‘storm in a teacup’ spills over in NA

By Raja Asghar

ISLAMABAD: Pre-emptive politics. Conspiracy against provincial autonomy. Attempt to degrade parliament.

Such angry comments came from lawmakers as what Senator Raza Rabbani saw as only “a storm in a teacup” over mainly the financial devolution of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to provinces spilled over in the National Assembly on Tuesday.

And when he received an apparently incomplete information during his speech in the lower house that the Supreme Court had issued a stay order against the planned devolution, Mr Rabbani, Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination and Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for the Implementation of the Eighteenth Amendment, remarked: “Probably we are writing a new history to stop parliament from legislation.” …

Read more : DAWN

Provincial Higher Education Commission to be formed in Sindh’

SINDH – KARACHI: Preparations have started for the formation of a provincial Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Sindh. Sindh Education Minister Pir Mazharul Haq stated this here on Thursday. He was of the view that it would be run in an effective manner and on the pattern of the “ Higher Education Commission (HEC).” Pir Mazhar said that eminent educationalists of Sindh would be made members of the provincial Higher Education Commission.

Courtesy: Daily Times

Response to Prof Hoodbohy’s article on HEC Devolution

by Azhar Ali Shah

Prof Hoodbohy has contributed a piece titled “Should HEC Live or Die?”. First off, the title of his article indicates the limitedness of a nuclear scientist to think only in terms of life and death in a traditional way! For heavens sake HEC is not going to die! It is going through reformation (mitosis) to give birth to more HECs that could better serve our country as per requirements of our constitution and as per needs of our communities. Central bureaucrats and some academicians having inherited military mindset and others having undue fears are playing their tricks to stop this reformation and keep what they term as ‘their brilliant organization’ confined to the area of Islamabad. Moving this organization to provincial level would destroy the higher education and leave us in shambles! For Prof Hoodbhoy it is akin to death of HEC if it is devolved at this time! I would like to get my words recorded that if HEC is not devolved at this time (as per suggestion of Dr Hoodbohy) it will never ever get devolved in our life times. It is not only the current but the future generations of our country that will suffer from this centralization. But according to Javed Malik’s perception centralization might be good for Dr Hoodbhoy (please click here to read Prof. Hoodbohy’s article)!

Courtesy: Sindhi e-lists/ e-groups, April 8, 2011.

Circus called talk shows

by Mazhar Arif

News reports indicate arrest of Raymond Davis provided an opportunity to the ISI to renegotiate its ‘terms of engagement’ with the CIA. But, ‘independent’ TV channels and Jamaat-e-Islami groomed anchor persons were furious over the elected governments, both federal and provincial, for ‘handing over’ Raymond Davis to Washington …

Read more : View Point

Reforms in Pakistan Army

by Azhar

Let me reproduce the examples of some other reforms which were undertaken to bring British Army under the control of parliament and to integrate the induction/workding of WOMEN in the army (Annex I).

Taking this opportunity I would also like to reproduce some of my earlier messages regarding the induction of pure provincial regiments/ battalions (Annex II) (which is akin to localization scheme in Cardwell’s reforms) and abolishment of Military Hospitals (Annex III) and Cadet Colleges/ Army Schools (Annex IV).

I think this provides sufficient body of starting background to initiate a campaign for defense review in Pakistan. There are many other points that could be added e.g., abolishment of DHAs, Cantonment Boards, etc., banning the Army/ Military from involving in the provision/business of social services (education, health, transportation, banks, petrol pumps etc just to name a few) and allowing army personnel to go to civil courts etc.

Read more about the Reforms in the British Army: Wikipedia

Source: Pakistani e-lists,  February 28, 2011

Pakistan’s nukes: How many are enough?

By Pervez Hoodbhoy

The latest news from America must have thrilled many: Pakistan probably has more nuclear weapons than India. A recent Washington Post article, quoting various nuclear experts, suggests that Pakistan is primed to “surge ahead in the production of nuclear-weapons material, putting it on a path to overtake Britain as the world’s fifth largest nuclear weapons power”.

Some may shrug off this report as alarmist anti-Pakistan propaganda, while others will question the accuracy of such claims. Indeed, given the highly secret nature of nuclear programmes everywhere, at best one can only make educated guesses on weapons and their materials. For Pakistan, it is well known that the Kahuta complex has been producing highly enriched uranium for a quarter century, and that there are two operational un-safeguarded plutonium-producing reactors at Khushab (with a third one under construction). Still, the exact amounts of bomb-grade material and weapons are closely held secrets.

But for argument’s sake, let’s assume that the claims made are correct. Indeed, let us suppose that Pakistan surpasses India in numbers – say by 50 per cent or even 100 per cent. Will that really make Pakistan more secure? Make it more capable of facing current existential challenges?

The answer is, no. Pakistan’s basic security problems lie within its borders: growing internal discord and militancy, a collapsing economy, and a belief among most citizens that the state cannot govern effectively. These are deep and serious problems that cannot be solved by more or better weapons. Therefore the way forward lies in building a sustainable and active democracy, an economy for peace rather than war, a federation in which provincial grievances can be effectively resolved, elimination of the feudal order and creating a tolerant society that respects the rule of law. …


DHA: authority within authority

PML-N to oppose DHA bill in parliament

This draft is not only repugnant to basic tenant of the constitution but is also against the provincial autonomy, laws of Pakistan and international agreements,” said PML-N leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan.

ISLAMABAD: The Defence Housing Authority (DHA) bill may not be enacted into law as the main opposition party, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), has decided to vehemently oppose the bill whenever it comes to the parliament.

“Whenever this bill is tabled before the National Assembly, Muslim League (N) will play its historic role by opposing it,” said the N-League spokesman on Thursday. …

Read more : DAWN

Pakistan economy on the verge of collapse?

Economy: on the verge of collapse?

Finance Minister Hafeez Sheikh’s warning to officials of the state, delivered in a sombre meeting late last month, could not be clearer: the government, federal and provincial, is on the verge of financial collapse. So dire is the state of affairs that the government may not have money to pay salaries in a few months. Lest this be dismissed as hyperbole, Mr Sheikh’s comments have been echoed privately by many economists and experts familiar with state finances in recent weeks. In fact, if anything the finance minister’s comments are on the more optimistic side of dire.

The basic problem is clear: the Pakistani state, all tiers of government, spends twice as much as revenue generated, while neither is expenditure being curtailed nor are revenues being meaningfully increased. At the level of the citizenry, the immediate impact is felt in the form of rising inflation (sustained budget deficits of the kind Pakistan has had over the last few years are highly inflationary in nature) while in the long term it will be felt in terms of debt servicing crowding out investments in development and infrastructure.

The blame must be shared by everyone. …

Read more >> Dawn Editorial

Should Sindhi intellectuals speak with PML-N?

PML N President Shahbaz Sharif, CM Punjab, had invited writers, journalists and intellectuals from Sindh to hold dialogue on issues.

One of the leading Sindhi writer and young intellectual Barrister Zamir Ghumro while thanking Mr. Sharif had declined to attend the meeting. Mr. Ghumro, a young lawyer, who resigned from his commissioned passed bureaucratic job to seek career in law, belongs to a working class family from Khairpur, now practicing and law and working in Karachi, had written an article in daily Kawish (Monday January 12, 2009) articulating reasons for not attending that meeting, he had outlined some conditions that he believes PML N needs to fulfill if it wants any meaningful dialogue with Sindhis.

Barrister Ghumro had also suggested 8-point Constitutional Amendments in order to make current federation as true representatives of four provinces. He is very assertive in his views, Could he be assertive presenting same suggestions to PPP led government also, who too complain of distorted and unfair federation, but have so far failed to take any initiative to address the question of provincial autonomy, NFC and Balochistan issues, lip service is available in plenty. Mr. barrister Ghumro had expressed distaste and rejected MPL N ‘conservative social agenda’ which seems to impose on Pakistan.

Here are some excerpts from his article, while the attached document is in Sindhi, his complete article, those of you who can read it. “Punjab has benefited from federation of Pakistan in last 60 years, today Punjab has over 80% representation in the federal government. It controls economy and natural resources of the country. Democratic governments in Pakistan do not survive in country because ‘the forces’ who dominate governance of the country do not want to give up their domination. Thus Punjab, before initiating dialogue with Sindh, needs to in account this and decide what it has to offer now the provinces, If PML N is ready for these changes, then it should implement such objectives via parliamentary legislation, this act will create trust among political forces in other provinces including Sindh. Sindh will be willing to share power with PML N on the basis of principles not merely power.”

“Present attempts of PML-N are seen as attempts to undermine ‘democrat mandate of Sindh and Sindhi people, Sindh wants its ‘Right to Self-Governance’ be respected, if any political force of Punjab, in collaboration with ‘Establishment’ conspire to deprive Sindh and subvert political process, Sindhi writers will not be part of these efforts.

At present Sindh has two critical questions: First, National Rights on basis of Justice, Secondly, Better governance in province. The first question is concerned with federal government while second is Sindh’s internal problem, where of course people are not happy with PPP led government in province, there are differences in province among Sindhis on this but it should not used as reason to dismiss current democratic dispensation, it amounts depriving Sindhis of their democratic mandate.

Punjab must understand that “Sindhis consider respect to their democratic mandate which is self-governance above and over everything else, whatever comes to them bypass this right is lollypop for them. Because there cannot be ‘National Rights’ without ‘Right to Self Governance”.

Before holding dialogue with Sindh, PML N must not forget historically where are we standing: (the struggle for independent homelands by) Muslim majority provinces in British India showed that they refused to live under Hindu-domination, that was fundamental reason of separation/partition, we understand Bengal went separate from Pakistan because Punjab refused to accept Bengal’s dominance, in this background, then is it essential for Sindh to accept Punjab’s majoritarian dominance. In order to accept this majoritarian rule there has to be constitution, democracy and national rights, guaranteed in the constitution. Strengthening such a constitution would make federation strong.

For making such a compatible constitution in new century, make following amendments in constitution, and for this before PML N brings in 17th amendment, it should bring provincial autonomy bill first, only then we would believe that “it (PML N) is not bringing Punjab’s majoritarian rule”, provincial autonomy bill will establish trust among that provinces that PML N believes in federation based on principles.

PML N needs to bring at least following 8 amendments in constitution; only then one can trust their intentions:

1. PML N should work with PPP to abolish ‘concurrent list from constitution

2. Regarding Fiscal matters, General Sales Tax (GST) should be handed over to provinces, NFC should base on multiple criterion (instead of sole population base)

3. PML N should do away 1991 Water Accord and should work out a new agreement on the basis of 1945 water agreement between Sindh and Punjab.

4. All federal appointments, Supreme Court Judges to ambassadors should be done with Senate approval so that Punjab’s majoritarian dominance remained checked.

5. Natural resources including gal and oil should be given back to provinces, ensuring such transfer amendments should be introduced in the constitution

6. A Superior Federal Commission needs to be established which guarantee equal representation and share in jobs to all provinces

7. In case martial law is imposed Provinces should have “Right to Self-Determination’, which is given to nations by UN charter also

8. In order to strengthen Senate of Pakistan, on lines of American Senate, Senate should be strengthened

Pakistan’s experience shows that there is in-sufficient legislation to thwart and stop military take-overs and imposition of martial, in this regard PPP and PML N need to work together, federation should be volunteer not forceful.

Till this happens, we believe PML-N attempt to do away 17th amendment is guided by power consideration, not democratic principles, they have always attempted to impose Punjab’s conservative social order as they did in the past in 1990-91 Nawaz League introduced Shariyat Act, Qisas and Diyat and during his last government, Mian Nawaz Sharif even tried tobecome Amirul Moomneen.


شهباز شريف جي دعوت ۽ پنجاب سان ڊائلاگ!
بئريسٽر ضمير گهمرو
تازو پنجاب جي وڏي وزير شهباز شريف سنڌ مان مون سميت ڪجهه دوستن کي لاهور اچڻ جي دعوت ڏني، پر نه ته ملاقات جي ايجنڊا ظاهر ڪئي وئي، نه وري ان جا سياسي مقصد واضح ڪيا ويا، بس لاهور جي شاهي فرمان تي سنڌ جي سياست ڪنٽرول ڪرڻ لاءِ سنڌ جي هڪ اهم حلقي کي پنهنجو ڪرڻ لاءِ اهڙي ملاقات جو بندوبست ڪيو ويو آهي. سندس اهڙي ڪوٺ ڏيڻ تي ٿورائتا آهيون، پر سنڌ جو عوام پنجاب سان ڊائلاگ پ پ دشمني وارن اصولن تي نه، پر وفاقي اصولن تي ٻڌل ايجنڊا تي ڪرڻ کان نٿو ڪيٻائي. سنڌ جي سياسي ايجنڊا ايڏي ڏکي به ناهي، جيڪا پنجاب کي قابل قبول نه هجي، پر پنجاب هميشه وفاقي اصولن جي ڀڃڪڙي ڪندي سنڌ جي قومي حقن کي پوئتي ڌڪيو آهي، ان ڪري پهريون ته نواز ليگ کي سنڌ جي زندگي ۽ موت جي مسئلن تي واضح موقف اختيار ڪرڻو پوندو، سنڌ جي جمهوري مينڊيٽ کي تسليم ڪرڻو پوندو ۽ ان ئي بنياد تي وفاق کي انصاف جي اصولن تي هلائڻ لاءِ ڪا ڳالهه ٻولهه ٿيڻ گهرجي، نه ڪي پاور پاليٽڪس جي بنياد تي. اقتداري سياست بنيادي اصولن طئه ٿيڻ کانسواءِ ڇسي ۽ خالي آهي، ان جو طرف ۽ قبلو هجڻ گهرجي. ان لاءِ ضروري آهي ته نواز ليگ پهريون پنهنجو موقف واضح ڪري ته هوءَ سنڌ جي جمهوري مينڊيٽ جنهن سان ڀل اسان کي ۽ ٻين کي اختلاف هجن، پر ان بنيادي اصولن کان منهن نه ڦيريندي ته وفاق لاءِ جمهوري بنياد مرڪزي حقيقت رکي ٿو ۽ سرڪار کي تبديل ڪرڻ جو اختيار اسٽيبلشمينٽ وٽ نه پر عوام وٽ هجڻ گهرجي.
ان ۾ ڪو به شڪ نه آهي ته نواز ليگ سنڌ ۽ بلوچستان مان گذريل چونڊن ۾ پنهنجي تڏا ويڙهه ڏسندي اتي پير پائڻ گهري ٿي ۽ کين اهڙو حق به آهي ته هو ننڍن صوبن ۾ ساست ڪري. ان جو بنياد هو ان ڳالهه تي رکي ٿي ته جڏهن پنجاب مان پاڪستان پيپلز پارٽي کي ووٽ ملي سگهن ٿا ته پوءِ سنڌ مان نواز ليگ کي ڇو نه ملڻ گهرجن؟ ان جو بنيادي سبب پ پ پ پاران وفاق کي جمهوري بنيادن تي آئين ۽ قانون موجب هلائڻ ۽ صوبن ۾ عوام جي Self Government وارو حق ڀل محدود سطح تي ئي سهي، پر ان کي مڃڻ گهرجي. نواز ليگ کي نه وسارڻ گهرجي ته اها جڏهن به اقتدار ۾ آئي، ان نه رڳو ان جمهوري بنياد کي ڌڪ هڻڻ چاهيو، پر سنڌ تي راڻا مقبول ۽ عليم عادل جو اقتدار مڙهيو. صوبائي اسيمبلي ۽ سرڪار کي گهر ڀيڙو ڪيو. ڪالاباع ڊيم جا اعلان ڪيا، ڄام صادق جي دور ۾ 1991ع ۾ سنڌ جي پاڻي وارو ٺاهه مڙهي ان کان به ڦري وئي ۽ 1994ع ۾ پاڻي واري سرڪاري نوٽيفڪيشن تي پاڻي ڏيڻ لڳي، جنهن ڪري سنڌ ۾ نواز ليگ کي ڪڏهن به مڃتا نه ملي، ڇو ته ماضي ۾ نواز ليگ جنرل ضياءَ ۽ رنجيت سنگهه واري پاليسي تي ڪارآمد هئي. اها وفاق کي آئين ۽ 1940ع جي قرارداد جي بنياد تي نه پر پنجاب جي شائونسٽ سوشل ايجنڊا تي هلائڻ چاهي ٿي. نواز ليگ ۽ سنڌي عوام جي اعتماد واري کوٽ يا Trust Deficit وڌندو ويو. هاڻي نواز ليگ جڏهن سنڌي عوام ۾ پنهنجي ان اعتماد واري کوٽ کي بحال ڪرڻ جو سوچيو آهي، جيڪا اڪ مان ماکي لاهڻ آهي ته ان کي سنڌي عوام لاءِ دعوت نامن جا شاهي فرمان جاري نه ڪرڻا پوندا، پر شهباز شريف ۽ نواز شريف کي سنڌ اچي عوام سان ڳالهائڻو پوندو ۽ پوءِ جيڪو به طئي ٿئي ته ان لاءِ عملي قدم کڻڻا پوندا، نه ڪي اقتدار کان ٻاهر ويٺل رٺلن کي استعمال ڪري سنڌي عوام جي جمهوري مينڊيٽ کي تارپيڊو ڪرڻو پوندو، جنهن تي نه ته ڪو سمجهوتو ۽ نه ڪا ڳالهه ٻولهه ٿي سگهي ٿي.
گذريل سٺ سالن ۾ پاڪستان جي اقتدار ۽ معيشت مان گهڻو فائدو پنجاب کي پيو آهي، اڄ به وفاق ۾ سندس نمائندگي 80 سيڪڙو کان مٿي آهي، معيشت ۽ قدرتي وسيلن تي سندس ڪنٽرول آهي. موجوده جمهوري سرڪار کي اقتدار تي هڪ هٽي قائم ڪرڻ واريون قوتون ان ڪري ئي هلڻ نه ٿيون ڏين ۽ معيشت تي ڪنٽرول ڪري جمهوري سرڪار کي پهرين ڏينهن کان دل سان تسليم نه ڪيو ويو آهي، ان ڪري سنڌ سان ڊائلاگ ۾ پنجاب کي پنهنجي گذريل 60 سالا فائدن کي ڏسي هاڻي ننڍن صوبن لاءِ سوچڻو پوندو. ان لاءِ جيڪڏهن نواز ليگ تيار آهي ته پوءِ پارليامينٽ ذريعي اهڙن قدمن تي کيس عمل ڪرڻ گهرجي، جنهن سان سنڌ ۽ ٻين صوبن کي سندس قيادت تي ڀروسو پيدا ٿئي. سنڌ اقتدار جي ڪري نه، پر اصولن تي پنجاب سان ڀاڱي ڀائيوار ضرور ٿيڻ گهري ٿي. موجوده سنڌ جو جمهوري مينڊيٽ ان مقصد لاءِ ئي آهي، جڏهن به سنڌ جي جمهوري مينڊيٽ کي پٺي ڏني وئي آهي، ان جو نقصان وفاق کي ٿيو آهي، ان لاءِ ضروري آهي ته نه رڳو سنڌ جي جمهوري مينڊيٽ کي دل سان تسليم ڪيو وڃي، پر سياست جو بنياد سازش نه، پر جمهوري اصولن تي هجڻ گهرجي. سنڌ جا وفاق ۾ جمهوري اصول طئه ٿيڻ کانپوءِ ٻه وڏا اشوز آهن. (1) انصاف تي ٻڌل قومي حق، (2) سنڌ ۾ بهتر حڪمراني جو راڄ. قومي حق وفاقي سرڪار سان لاڳاپيل آهن، جڏهن ته سنڌ ۾ بهتر حڪمراني سنڌ جو اندروني مسئلو آهي، جنهن لاءِ اسين سنڌي ڀل ته پاڻ ۾ ڏند چڪ ڏيون، جهيڙا ڪريون، پر وري به اسان ۾ پاڻ ۾ گڏجي هلڻ ۽ جمهوري اصولن جي پاسداري ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت موجود آهي. ان کانسواءِ مٿين ٻن اشوز کان پهرين اوليت رکڻ وارو اشو وفاق ۽ صوبن ۾ جمهوري حق ۽ Self Governance واري حق جي مڃتا آهي، ان حق کي جيڪڏهن پنجاب ۽ ان سان سلهاڙيل اسٽيبلشمينٽ جون ڌريون نه ٿيون مڃين ته هو مٿين ٻن اشوز تي اسان سان ڪڏهن وفا نه ڪنديون، ڇو ته بدنيتي تي ٻڌل سياسي اتحاد ديرپا نه ٿيندو. ان لاءِ ضروري آهي ته نواز ليگ سهپ ۽ صبر جو دامن نه ڇڏي ۽ ملڪ ۾ جمهوري اصولن جي انحرافي نه ڪري باوجود ان جي ته چارٽر آف ڊيموڪريسي ۽ مري ڊڪليريشن تي عمل نه ٿيو هجي. ڇا چارٽر آف ڊيموڪريسي ۽ مري ڊڪليريشن تي بدعملي کي جمهوري مينڊيٽ کي ختم ڪرڻ جو جواز بڻائي سگهجي ٿو؟ اها ساڳي ڳالهه پي اين اي 1977ع ۾ ڪري ملڪ کي ڪاپاري ڌڪ هنيو هو، ان وقت جڏهن سموريون پارٽيون جمهوري حڪومت خلاف برسر پيڪار هيون. ان وقت کاٻي ڌر جي اڳواڻ ڪامريڊ ڄام ساقي سرڪاري عتاب ۾ هوندي به جمهوري سرڪار جي حمايت ڪئي هئي. هينئر به شين کي ان پسمنظر ۾ سمجهڻ جي ضرورت آهي، جڏهن سرڪار خلاف پروپيگنڊا ان مهم جو حصو آهي. سرڪار جي مخالفت ڪرڻ لاءِ ايوان آهن ته پوءِ ان مخالفت کي دشمنيءَ ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ ملڪ جي عوام جي مينڊيٽ جي توهين جي برابر آهي.
پنجاب کي اهو به سمجهڻ گهرجي ته سنڌ جمهوريSelf Governance کانسواءِ قومي حقن توڙي بهتر حڪمراني کي پنجاب جو لالي پاپ سمجهي ٿي، ڇو ته قومي حقن جو تصور جمهوري Self Governance کانسواءِ بي معنيٰ رڳو ۽ ٺلهو نعرو آهي. پهريون قومي حق صوبن جي عوام جي وفاق ۽ صوبن ۾ جمهوري سرڪار قائم ڪرڻ آهي. ان قومي حق کي جيڪو ان قوم جي جمهوري راءِ يا سياسي طاقت Political will جو سرچشمو آهي، کي سياسي مصلحتن جي ور نٿو چاڙهي سگهجي. قومي حقن ۾ جمهور جي راءِ پهرين جاءِ والاري ٿي. قومي حقن ۽ جمهوري راءِ کي اولين حيثيت حاصل آهي ۽ بين الاقوامي طور تي گڏيل قومن پاران ڏنل حق خوداختياري ۾ اهو ئي جمهور جو حق ۽ راءِ ڪار فرما آهي. جڏهن نواز ليگ ان حق جي پاسداري نه ڪري رهي آهي ته پوءِ سنڌ سان ڪهڙي بنياد تي ڊائلاگ ڪندي؟ سنڌ ڪڏهن به سازش ۽ لالي پاپ جي بنياد تي ڊائلاگ تي ڀروسو نٿي رکي.
پ پ سرڪار سان کوڙ سارن اشوز تي سنڌ جون پارٽيون، گروپ، دانشور ۽ اديب سخت ناراض آهن، سندن طرزِ حڪمراني ۽ قومي حقن تي موقف تي اهي سڀ ماڻهو ناراض آهن، پر پ پ سرڪار سنڌ جي جنهن قومي حق جي ترجماني ڪري ٿي، اهو آهي سنڌي عوام جو اجگر قومي جمهوري حق، جيڪا سنڌي عوام جي جمهوري راءِ آهي. سرڪار جي نااهل هجڻ جو عذر ڄاڻائي ان حق تان سنڌي عوام دستبردار ٿيڻ لاءِ تيار نه آهي، اها ڪا پ پ سرڪار جي حمايت نه، پر سنڌي عوام جي پنهنجي قومي جمهوري حق جو احترام ڪرڻ آهي. ان جمهوري حق کي نه مڃڻ ۽ ناراضگي ۽ مخالفت جي بنياد تي سنڌي پارٽين ۽ دانشورن کي پنهنجي اڻ چٽي ايجنڊا ۽ موقف تي هلائڻ آپشاهي جو بدترين مثال آهي، ان ڪري ئي شهباز شريف سان ڊائلاگ سنڌ جي قومي مفادن ۾ نه آهي، ڇو ته هن کي پهريان صوبن ۽ وفاق جو جمهوري قومي حق مڃڻ لاءِ تيار ٿيڻ گهرجي ۽ ان کي تارپيڊو ڪرڻ لاءِ اسٽيبلشمينٽ ۽ بنياد پرست سياسي پارٽين جهڙوڪ تحريڪِ انصاف ۽ جماعتِ اسلامي سان گڏ نه هلڻ گهرجي. پنهنجي جمهوري حقن خلاف اهڙي سازش کي سنڌ جو عوام رد ڪري ڇڏيندو.
نواز ليگ کي سنڌ سان ڊائلاگ ڪرڻ وقت ان ڳالهه کي نه وسارڻ گهرجي ته تاريخي طور اسين ڪٿي بيٺا آهيون. هندستان جي مسلمان صوبن هندو اڪثريتي اقتدار جي خوف کان هندستان کان عليحدگي اختيار ڪئي. گڏيل پاڪستان ۾ پنجاب بنگال جي اڪثريتي حڪمراني کي قبول ڪرڻ کان انڪار ڪيو ته ڇا هاڻي سنڌ تي واجب آهي ته هو پنجاب جي اڪثريتي اقتدار کي قبول ڪري؟ ان اڪثريتي اقتدار کي قبول ڪرڻ لاءِ آئين هجي ٿو، جمهوريت هجي ٿي، قومن جا حق هجن ٿا، جنهن کي آئين ۾ تحفظ ڏنو ويو آهي. ان آئين کي مضبوط ڪرڻ سان ئي وفاق مضبوط ٿيندو. اچو ته ان کي 21 صدين جي گهرجن سان ٺهڪندڙ بڻائڻ تي ان ۾ ترميمون تجويز ڪريون. ان لاءِ نواز ليگ پاران صرف 17 هين ترميم ئي نه، پر پهريون صوبائي خودمختياري جو بل آڻڻ گهرجي، جنهن کانپوءِ ئي سمجهبو ته نواز ليگ پنجاب جو اڪثريتي راڄ نه، پر وفاقي اصولن تي ٻڌل قومن جا حق مڃڻ چاهي ٿي. ان لاءِ نواز ليگ کي آئين ۾ 8 (اٺ) بنيادي ترميمون تجويز ڪرڻ گهرجن، جنهن کانپوءِ ئي سندس ارادن جو پتو پئجي سگهي ٿو.
.نواز ليگ پيپلزپارٽي سان گڏجي آئين مان ڪنڪرنٽ لسٽ ختم ڪري.
.ناڻي جي معاملي تي سيلز ٽيڪس صوبن حوالي ڪرڻ ۽ باقي ٽيڪسز تي ٻڌل پول مان رقم گهڻ رخي فارمولا هيٺ ورهائڻ جو اعلان ڪري آئين ۾ اهڙي ترميم آڻي.
.پاڻي جي مسئلي تي نواز ليگ 1991ع واري غير جمهوري پاڻي ٺاهه کي هڪ پاسي رکي انصاف ۽ قانون تي ٻڌل سنڌ ۽ پنجاب وچ ۾ 1945ع جي پاڻي ٺاهه جي بنياد تي ٺاهه ڪرڻ جو اعلان ڪري.
.پنجاب جي اڪثريتي راڄ کان گارنٽي ڏيڻ لاءِ سڀ آئيني مقرريون توڙي وفاقي ادارن جي سربراهن، هاءِ ڪورٽ ۽ سپريم ڪورٽ جي ججن ۽ سفيرن جون مقرريون سينيٽ جي منظوري سان مشروط ڪيون وڃن. بنيادي قانونسازي پڻ سينيٽ جي اڪثريت سان منظور ڪئي وڃي.
.گئس ۽ تيل جو ڪنٽرول، جيڪو آئين ۾ گڏيل مفادن واري ڪائونسل وٽ آهي، ان جي مسلسل خلاف ورزي ڪري اهو ڪنٽرول صوبن حوالي ڪيو وڃي. آئين ۾ اهڙي ترميم آندي وڃي.
.صوبن ۾ ڌاري آبادي کي روڪڻ ۽ پنهنجي ملازمتن ۾ ٻين صوبن کي ڀاڱي ڀائيوار نه ڪرڻ جو اختيار آئين ۾ ترميم ڪري صوبن حوالي ڪيو وڃي.
.وفاق ۾ هڪ اعليٰ قانوني ڪميشن قائم ڪئي وڃي، جنهن ۾ هر صوبي کي هڪجهڙي نمائندگي هجي، جيڪا مختلف کاتن ۾ صوبن جي نمائندگي کي يقيني بڻائي. ان کي آئين ۾ تحفظ ڏنو وڃي.
.مارشل لا لڳڻ جي صورت ۾ صوبن کي حقِ خود اختياري جو اختيار ڏنو وڃي، جيڪو حق اقوام متحده جي چارٽر جي عين موجب آهي ۽ وفاق ان تي صحيح ڪري چڪو آهي.
.مٿيان اٺ اصول انصاف ۽ قانون تي ٻڌل آهن، ان سان نه رڳو مختلف صوبن جي ماڻهن ۾ فرق ۽ ويڇا ختم ٿيندا، پر وفاق کي هميشه لاءِ مضبوط جمهوري بنيادن تي هلائي سگهجي ٿو. آمريڪا ۾ اڪثريتي راڄ کي ختم ڪرڻ لاءِ سينيٽ بااختيار ۽ جمهوريت کي پهرين اوليت حاصل آهي. تجربي سيکاريو آهي ته جمهوريت خلاف آئين ۾ ڏنل Guarantees پائيدار ثابت نه ٿيون آهن. آئين جي آرٽيڪل 6 تي نه ته نواز ليگ ۽ نه ئي پ پ عمل ڪرائي سگهي آهي، ان ڪري وفاق کي رضاڪارانه بڻائڻ لاءِ ان کي ٺوس بنيادن تي استوار ڪرڻو پوندو.
نواز ليگ پاران سترهين ترميم آڻڻ اقتدار جي خواهش تي ٻڌل آهي، نه ڪي وفاقي ۽ جمهوري اصولن تي. هنن سدائين ڪوشش ڪئي آهي ته پنجاب جي سوشل ڪنزرويٽو ايجنڊا ٻين صوبن تي مڙهي وڃي، جيئن هنن پنهنجي دور ۾ قصاص ۽ ديت آرڊيننس 1990ع ۽ شريعت ايڪٽ 1991ع ۾ رائج ڪيو، يا وري امير المومنين ٿيڻ چاهيو. وفاقي نظام ۾ هڪ صوبو پنهنجي ايجنڊا مذهب جي نالي تي ٻئي تي مڙهي نٿو سگهي. ان لاءِ جنرل ضياءَ پاران آئين ۾ آندل ترميمن کي به ختم ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي، باقي اسٽيبلشمينٽ سان ٻٽ ٿيڻ ذريعي نواز ليگ کي اقتدار ته ملي سگهي ٿو، پر ان سان وفاق کي شديد خطرو لاحق آهي، ان ڪري اهڙي هلت کان پاسو ڪيو وڃي ته بهتر ٿيندو.
پيپلز پارٽي، قومي حق ۽ بهتر حڪمراني:
پيپلز پارٽي وٽ سنڌ جي قومي جمهوري حق يعني Self Governance وارو ڪارڊ آهي، جنهن کي استعمال ڪيو پيو وڃي. پيپلزپارٽي جيستائين ان حق کي بهتر حڪمراني ۽ قومي حق حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ استعمال نه ڪندي، تيستائين سنڌ مان به کين Challenge ملڻ جو خطرو آهي. بهتر حڪمراني ۽ قومي حقن جي ايجنڊا تي سنڌ ۾ نئين قيادت اڀرڻ شروع ٿيندي ۽ جيڪڏهن جمهوري طريقي سان اها پيپلزپارٽي سان چٽا ڀيٽي ڪري به ٿي ته ان ۾ ڪو حرج نه آهي. آئين ۽ قانون جي دائري ۾ پ پ سان چٽا ڀيٽي ڪرڻ ۾ ڪو حرج نه آهي، پر پ پ سرڪار جي جمهوري حق ۽ حقِ حڪمراني کي نه مڃڻ بدنيتي آهي. بدنيتي تي سياست ڪجهه وقت ته هلي سگهي ٿي، پر گهڻي عرصي لاءِ نه، بهتر حڪمراني ۽ قومي حقن تي ٻڌل سنڌ ۾ جيڪڏهن پيپلز پارٽي کي ڪا به مزاحمت ملي ٿي ته ان کي هروڀرو پ پ به برو نه سمجهندي، ڇو ته سياست ڪرڻ هر پارٽي ۽ ماڻهو جو حق آهي. پر ان چٽي ايجنڊا جي بنياد تي صوبن تي پنجاب جو اڪثريتي راڄ مڙهڻ لاءِ گڏجاڻين ۽ ملاقاتن ۾ وڃڻ جو جمهوري حق محفوظ رکجي ٿو. هينئر سنڌ کي وڏيرن ۽ اسٽيبلشمينٽ ٻنهي جي مخالفت ۾ سنڌ ايجنڊا تشڪيل ڏئي پنهنجي مڊل ۽ ووڪل ڪلاس تي مشتمل قيادت کي اڳتي آڻڻو پوندو،
اي نه مارن ريت، جو سيڻ مٽائين سون تي!

Courtesy: Sindhi Daily Kawish.