Comments on: Pakistan Diplomatic Service Working Against Sindhis!/2010/06/29/diplomatic-service-working-against-sindhis/Name of Excellence in alternative & borderless journalism.Together we stitch the world & make a difference. Leading today for tomorrow. Sindh lives hereWed, 14 Jul 2010 15:58:24 +0000hourly1 hassan/2010/06/29/diplomatic-service-working-against-sindhis/comment-page-1/#comment-10136Fri, 09 Jul 2010 16:52:39 +0000/?p=12864#comment-10136Maybe this is not discrimination against s Sindhis sir..

“I hope overseas Sindhi organizations that are quite active in fighting for the Sindhi rights will start a campaign to secure a fair share of Sindhis in Pakistan’s Foreign services and other federal departments.”

federal government is not going to employ underqualified personnel due to their ethnicity and to satisfy your ethnic nationalist desires .

“It is said that the department has an unwritten rule for some time that no Sindhi will be promoted beyond 20th grade.”

You have not substantiated your statements with referances to QUALIFIED SINDHIS that have been denied admission or promotion ….

Unless you do that the accusations you make in this article may just be an amalgamation of lies and/or half-truths and twisted facts…

“According to the article out of total 472 foreign service officers, only 44 are from Sindh. This represents less than 10% compared to the the 20% of Pakistani population that lives in Sindh.”

Waitaminit,by ‘Sindhis’ you mean LINGUISTIC group Sindhis and they form about 13% of the country’s population so don’t quote the population of all of Sindh because then you should include the statistics for people from the entire province of Sindh and not just Linguistic Sindhis.

“The article says that more than 85,000 illegal domiciles have been issued in the recent years. The illegally obtained domicile certificates are used by non-Sindhis to get employment against the quota established for Sindhis.”

Not an example of discrimination but of mismanagement!

“IN the Ministry of Foreign affairs, out of seven (7) Additional Secretaries, none is a Sindhi. Out of 17 Director Generals, only two are Sindhis. Out of 34 Directors only two are Sindhis. Out of 74 Assistant Directors and Deputy Directors, only five (5) are Sindhis. ”

You yourself have quated that a certain amount of secretaries,directors etc are Sindhi and this goes to prove there is no discrimination.In this country,employment is done on the basis of three factors;

-Merit and qualification(least important)
-Bribery and potential to benefit
-Clout and contacts(MOST important)

The article has been written by an overseas Sindhi who knows little of how things are done in Sindh and Pakistan in general!
