Comments on: Imran Khan: a Taliban Goebbels? —Dr Mohammad Taqi/2010/08/04/imran-khan-a-taliban-goebbels-%e2%80%94dr-mohammad-taqi/Name of Excellence in alternative & borderless journalism.Together we stitch the world & make a difference. Leading today for tomorrow. Sindh lives hereMon, 16 Aug 2010 02:56:44 +0000hourly1 SHEIKH ZAKIR/2010/08/04/imran-khan-a-taliban-goebbels-%e2%80%94dr-mohammad-taqi/comment-page-1/#comment-10525Mon, 16 Aug 2010 02:56:44 +0000/?p=13432#comment-10525It is … to hear Dr. Taqi’s Orientalist rhetoric used against one of the most vibrant patriot of our times. Mr. Imran Khan is not a typical politician–he is a cut above the rest. He speaks his mind–sometimes to the determent of those who hate Pakistan. That is the reason the 5th column comprised of Dr. Taqi and company dislike him.

Dr. Taqi’s unmitigated bigoted drivel is biased, it has serious errors in it and is typical of the anti-Pakistan tripe so pervasive in some racist quarters these days. It is very disappointing to see this esteemed publication chose to reproduce such a rambling crypto-racist screed. Dr. Taqi’s author’s Teutonic bloviations are an admixture of discredited Neocon assertions, unsubstantiated, or outright Indian distortion, and pure unadulterated balderdash. Dr. Taqi’s nauseating fixation upon and paranoid conspiratorial delusions about Pakistanis are a transparent attempt to justify the murderous rampage, carnage and barbarism faced by West Asia. The Taqi twaddle fails to illuminate the confusing deluge of eerily inept and counter-intuitive claptrap masquerading as fact in the clumsily stage-managed “global war on terror” environment. Dr. Taqi’s’s selective amnesia fails to consider the fact that more than 30,000 Pakistanis have died fighting the so called “war on terror”, and Pakistan has been a US ally since 1947. The author has flaunted the cynosure of neo-liberal romance with India, to justify his Pakistanphobic bigotry against Islamabad.

Dr. Taqi represents what is known as a potato or a coconut–white on the inside and brown on the outside. His ilk is so impressed by the White man that he can see nothing good in the country of his birth.

Mr. Imran Khan is not defending any barbarity. He simply says that “Pakistanis should not kill Pakistanis”. These very people liberated Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, and were our frontline in 1965. What changed? Pakistani citizens should not be targeted with F-16s and bombs. We must talk to them. One can only talk to those we disagree with. Thirty years of war in Afghanistan, and ten years of occupation of Afghanistan have yielded nothing. Even the US and Mr. Karzai sworn enemies of the Taliban are talking to them–why not Pakistan?

It is amazing that Dr. Taqi’s logic is congruent with the illogic of the Neocons–those who hate Pakistan and Islam. The authors vituperative rant and vociferate amphigory doesn’t hide the vacuity of his ideas, nor the bankruptcy of his thinking pattern.

Mr. Imran Khan is absolutely right “Before the West invaded Afghanistan, my country had no suicide bombers, no jihad and no Talibanisation.” Al-Qaeda bfore the 90s was an American enterprise lock stock and barrel–used to defeat the USSR. Perhaps Dr Mohammad Taqi needs to check the invitation list of the White House, which did as a matter of fact include the very same leaders who are now on its terror list–namely Mr. Haqqani and others. President Reagan at the time called them honored “freedom fighters” (Mujahideen).

Selective amnesia is a wonderful thing as the honorable doctor really knows. Abdullah Azzam’s Maktab-al-Khidmat was a CIA camp set up to pull Muslim kids from all over the world so that they could be used as cannon fodder against the USSR–which used to the “evil empire”. Crusades by James Caroll,

Sorrows of Empire by Chalmer’s Johnson, and The Choice by Brezinsky clearly define the recruiting, training and use of the innocent but poor Muslim youth by the CIA.

Rolling together all sorts of “bad guys” into one monolith is a favorite tactic of the masters of Dr. Taqi–the Neocons. Amazingly he has now started calling Lashkar-e-Jhangvi as “Taliban”, completely forgetting the proxy wars waged by Iran and Iraq on the soil of Pakistan. There are many groups with various agendas, and many of them have external strings attached to them.

Mr. Imran Khan is absolutely right–“Until that point [army action in FATA in 2004], we had no militant Taliban in Pakistan. We had militant groups, but our own military establishment was able to control them. We had madrassas, but none of them produced militants intent on jihad until we became a front-line state in the war on terror.” Obfuscation, lies, half-truths, and lies by Dr. Taqi cannot hide the truth.

The well documented research of Dr. Andarabi shatters the nonsensical propaganda carried on against Pakistan. If Dr. Taqi can read, he should read the research which clearly refutes the charges against the Pakistani madrassas.

Dr. Taqi may want to put the “Taliban” in the lap of Pakistan–however it is a fact that the CIA was the most important force in the creation of the Taliban. Of course Dr. Taqi believes whatever the “Gora Sahib” says–so he can check the testimonial of Congressman Rohrabacher in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Congressman Rohrabacher says “Let me repeat it was the CIA which created by the Taliban”. There are copious pictures of the Congressmen in the Afghan Shawar Kameez sitting with the Tlaiban available on the internet.

Dr. Taqi constantly harps on the so called “Ziaist Propaganda”, and nicely obfuscates the fact that General Zia Ul Haq rode into the President’s House on Dr. Henry Kissinger’s plan to eliminate Pakistan’s most popular leader and elected Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. It is pedagogical to note that General Zia Ul Haq had the full diplomatic and political backing of the US–that’s how he survived a decade, ultimately meeting his maker through a case of exploding mangoes–also made in America.

Imran Khan for all his faults represents the hope and aspirations of the people of Pakistan.His loyal workers and die-hard supporters are willing to do whatever is necessary to help Pakistan and take it to the heights that it deserves.

Thank you and Best Regards,

Moin Ansari PMP, MBA, ITILP, SSigmaMBB, CME
973-884-0102 (Home Office)
973-568-9330 (Cell)
