2 thoughts on “India’s low castes by Stalin K”

  1. weldone , for the world all and sudry to know the disgusting treatment meted out to other human biengs on the name of religion .

    I express my heartfelt deep solidarity to the Dalit people .

    religion has brought miseries and mayhems on us , lets say a big NOOOOOOOOOOOO to its practice ,let there Humanism be the practice and parcel in every society of the world .

  2. The question should be – why caste system even if we looked different?!

    The caste system has been designed to divide people according to assumed notions of superiority ascribed by birth and sanctified by religion. This system violate the very notion of human rights and should be condemned and dismantled at its very roots.

    All those who think they are superior to others, merely because they think they have a ‘higher’ lineage, should be empathized and treated as mentally sick people and cured for their illness.

    Thanks for carrying a part of my film. I hope it encourages readers here to see the full film and hold screenings of it.

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