Honorable Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney joins the Congressional Sindh Caucus

Previously two speeches one by Congresmen Brad Sherman and Adam Schif were circulated on You Tube. FW below is the speech by Honorable Congresswoman Carolyn Meloney during the SAPAC 3rd Annual Celebration, September 12, 2012. Congresswoman Melony has also joined the Congressional Sindh Caucus.Thanks to the efforts of Dr. A.W. Bhatti and Munawar Laghari. A many more news of SAPAC will be shared on You Tube. Congratulations to the SAPAC staff for their hard work and dedication.

Honorable Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney SAPAC 3rd Annual Celebration September 12, 2012

Thank you so much Dr. and Mrs. Bhatti. I’m so thrilled to be here and to share with you that I am for human rights in Pakistan.

I am honored to be here with my friend and colleague Brad Sherman, who founded the Sindh Caucus in Congress. He is sending me the materials tomorrow to join his caucus and to work with him for human rights, not just in Pakistan, but everywhere.

I just came from the Democratic National Convention where I had the honor of speaking. I spoke about women’s rights, and I even got a standing ovation. I am particularly concerned about the abductions of young women and the abuses towards young women in Pakistan

that we read about. And young girls, little innocent flowers. And the cruelty of it and the terrible behavior. To bring a sense of law to Pakistan, to protect the rights of all people.

As an American, my ancestors came here for freedom, religious rights, democratic rights and that is what we value and try to maintain in our country and try to enforce in other countries.

Pakistan has been a longtime ally of the United States and we need to strengthen the rule of law there and work with like-minded people to protect the young girls. Particularly the girls constantly being abducted and lost in many cases. Brad is telling me he’s been working on a case for eight months where a young girl was abducted and they still will not release her.

I just feel that tonight is a time to meet each other and to share a meal together, not for political speeches.

But I do want to tell you that I appreciate very much Dr. Bhatti inviting me and I’m thrilled to be here. I want to learn more from Brad, Dr. Bhatti and from you of ways that I can be helpful and supportive to your cause. It’s a just one, it’s a right one and one that I value. Thank you for having me.

Courtesy: SAPAC & Sindhi e-lists/ e-groups, October, 09, 2012

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