Tag Archives: Pakhtun & Afghan Democratic Council

It is never too late to mend

By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
The incident of 9/11, 2001 changed the world in general and Pashtun region in particular. Americans and allies launched their war against al- Qaeda and Taliban terrorists who were harboring terrorism and terrorists to Afghanistan and all over the world including the attacks on the US.

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Life of Afzal Khan Lala is under threat

By Zar Ali Khan Musazai, Peshawar
Please note: The writer is the Chairman of Pakhtun/ Afghan Democratic Council, Peshawar. He can be reached at- pashtundemocraticcouncil@yahoo.com
Afzal Khan Lala is a Pakhtun Afghan leader who spent most of his time struggling for getting the rights of this nation. The enemies of Pashtun/ Afghans are bent upon to eliminate him physically and create a vacuum in the Pashtun for a leader of the caliber of Khan lala. It is evident to all including international community that Pashtun region is engulfed by the terrorists and their promoters

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