SINDH : Give us Water, Water is our right, How can we give up this Right? How can we stop living?

Sindhis Takeout Rallies on Save Indus River Day – January 24, 2010

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean

..The newsletter in Sindhi from Delta Development Program is extremely important and deserves an exception. The newsletter highlights the plight of Sindhis whose lives have been drastically impacted due to the reduced water flow permitted by the upper riparian province to the lower riparian province – Sindh.

This year, January 24 was declared as the “Save River Indus” day and thousands traveled to the dry and empty bed of the Indus River to demand increased water flow. The newsletter has an excellent poem about water shortage under the title “The Right Of Sindh”. The following is my attempt at the translation of the first few lines of this poem:

Give us Water, give us Water.

Water is our right,

How can give up this Right?

We will reclaim our Water from the exploiter

How can we give up this Right?

Give us Water, give us Water.

Water is source of our lives,

How can we stop living?

How can we give up this Right?

Give us Water, give us Water.

What destruction is this?

What exploitation is this?

Why are all cities decaying?

All boats are sitting idle on river bed

Where has all fish gone?

Where all other river creatures gone?

How can we give up our Water Right?

Give us Water, give us Water.

I urge you to read the newsletter and think about what we can do to help secure Water Rights of Sindh?

One thought on “SINDH : Give us Water, Water is our right, How can we give up this Right? How can we stop living?”

  1. what we have to do is–to give awareness to the sindhi people as .we are too simple and modest..

    we should be come out from this cover…. be bold, enegetic and fight for rights.

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