Sindh was not just an independent state but an empire

Once, while discussing the history, a Sindhi writer Yousuf Shaheen said that, Sindh was not just an independent state but an empire before invasion of Arabs. It took Arabs 78 years to capture Sindh after 18 attacks.

Courtesy:  via Social media.

One thought on “Sindh was not just an independent state but an empire”

  1. Yes! What benefit does this lamentation provides to future generations, other than the fact that Greek, Roman ,Egyptian and Persian were once powerful empires, who too crumbled into oblivision. Where are present Sindhi people, who miserably failed to maintain the strength and vigor of their ancestors. This happened even to mighty Mughals, and their progeny is selling tea at Howra Railway station. That is the tragic history repeated without any break for all the nations. All we need to plan is to look towards the future and train our generations to watch the oncoming calamities of time and find ways to avert them. This is must for survival. Asians habitually look for free lunch. And there certainly is no free lunch in anywhere in the world.

    Aasman doobay HUAY taroon ka ma’tam kab tilk”. HUMAN BEINGS LEARN NOTHING FROM HISTORY and when reality strikes then say “DOU GHAZ ZAMEEN NA MILI KOI E YAR MAIN” Then it is too late. Dear.

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