G.M. Syed

“Man’s material and spiritual development is not possible without creating a spirit of universal peace and tolerance. For this, the land of Sindh has an exemplary message: a truly generous respect for mankind. Our venerable ancestors and great saints regarded it as real worship and, for centuries, our people have been a living, proof of the truth and success of this message.” – G.M. Syed

G.M. Syed mainly advocated for non-violence, democracy, secularism (separation of religion from the state), national self-determination, unity among all south Asian nations and states, social and economic equality for all.

Work for the cause, not for any individual leader

By Gul Agha, USA

Whatever any individual does, it does not reflect the cause … could use some good leaders, but the fact remains that almost the entire Sindhi nation stands for the right of self-determination. Sometimes charges against individuals are true, sometimes they are clearly bogus. For example, sometimes I hear utter nonsense like Saiin G. M. Syed, an 80+ year old under house arrest in Sann, “provided terrorist training to MQM”. (in between writing a dozen books on the cause of Sindh and Sindhi culture?). How stupid an idea can there be! Other times, it is about people I know nothing about.

Good leadership is hard in a brutal country which kills, tortures and bribes people. Often such leadership must come from those who are abroad in safe harbors. Unfortunately, many Sindhis abroad do not represent or support the Sindhi cause.

Individuals are not important, ideas are. The good thing about democracy is that people elect a leader and then they remove the leader. Worshiping individuals and thinking of them as saviors is dangerous.

At critical times, many individuals have betrayed the cause.., due to personal ego or due to lack of vision or poor judgment.

All individuals’ actions must be evaluated critically, but honestly. But we must all continue to work for the.. cause, not for any individual leader.

Sindhi identity and survival is under threat, swamped by other culture, language and values under brutal ..occupation and colonization which has imposed by security establishment, making a foreign language as dominant, stealing 97% of Sindh’s resources.


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