Tag Archives: Sex cells

Do sex cells hold the secret to long life?

Courtesy: World Science, June 7, 2009

The se­cret of long life may lurk with­in the ge­net­ic ac­ti­vity pro­file of sex cells—such as the sperm and eggs of hu­mans, a pa­per newly pub­lished in the re­search jour­nal Na­ture sug­gests. Sex cells, and the line­age of cells that de­vel­op in­to them, are “im­mor­tal” in the sense that once they are used to cre­ate a new or­gan­ism, they don’t die. In­stead they br­ing about the pro­duc­tion of all the new crea­ture’s cells, in­clud­ing more sex cells.

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