By Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan
1.Do not concentrate at one place. It should be avoided by restricting migration of people from other places. 2. At the distance of each 50 kms, along the both sides of Super and National highways, Model Industrial towns may be established and there all Industries and Factories may be installed. 3.Saperate Funds may be allocated for such new places of Industrial settlements.
4.Rural rather Urban development policies may preferably be framed or launched.
5.All aminities civil and security may be provided there.
6.Shopping centres may also be set up.
7.At other places, new roads may be constructed to link all villages and towns with the Model Industrial Towns (MIT).
8.Industries may be setup at the places where raw material for them is available.
9.Near the sea side, Motorways may be built and alongside of them, towns and villages may be established.
10.At the outset, all the friendly countries may be approached for financial help and assistance.
11.All the investers may be requested and directed morally to take part in the new economic development senario.
12.All the landlords may be directed to participate to make the country green and developed.
13.All the educated jobless young persons may be given training and skills in the different Professions and Businesses.
14.New Schemes and Projects may be prepared by the Local Governement in their Vicinities.
15.The Military people may be engaged to help the Civilians to work at the new projects.
16.All the Schemes will be from Private Sector.Only the Funds and Security will be provided by the Government.
17.Small Scale Industries or Cottage Industries may be setup with priority.
18.The river sides may be spared for Cultivation of Crops, Vegetables and Fruits and Gardens with necessary Civil amenities.
19.The existing big cities and towns may not be allowed to expand and they may be made the source of providing all kinds of material and commodities to be needed in the newly launched Schemes and Projects.
20.Remittances coming from other Countries may be utilized for the new projects.
21.All the people working in foreign countries may be facililated to invest in such new development Schemes.
Rural areas should also be developed by establishing industries, shopping malls, and all other facilities that are available in the developed areas so that development can take place in an even manner .