Civil Society Consultation on “Land for landless haris in Sindh”
By: Zulfiqar Halepoto,
The Sindh Government has announced distribution of land to the tiller. Initially, it plans to distribute 2, 20,000 acres of land to the poorest of the poor ‘haris’. This is highly laudable and desirable. However, there are some major hurdles, not only in the implementation but also size of plot and choice of farming method.
It can’t work unless the processes and the differentiation between chemical and organic farming are understood by all. Small-scale organic farming, both in rural and urban areas, has become the immediate need of this century, not only in Pakistan but all over the world. It could completely turn around our economy, ensure food security and create full employment, especially for women.
This is not just an issue for officialdom but for all citizens, especially those working in development, education, health, and food production. We ask you to join us to discuss the matter and contribute your viewpoint or expertise towards a workable solution that could change countless lives.
Dear …………………………………………..
The Green Economics & Globalisation Initiative SHIRKATGAH
in collaboration with
Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP)
invites you as a concerned citizen to reality-presentatio ns and discussion on the proposed distribution of free farmland and its best use for peasants, especially women.
On Friday, 17th October, at 3:00 p.m. at the Beach Luxury Hotel, Lalazar, off Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Road, Karachi
High tea will be served.
The programme will begin with a short documentary on the evolution of agriculture and the consequences of chemical monoculture on the world; and orientations through related video-slide- shorts.
(We request you to be punctual as out-of-town participants have to leave on time for a long trip back by road.)
RSVP: Shirkat Gah: 5878341, 5824320; TRDP 021 586891-3
Did you know ……. ?
….. that one can grow enough food for a family of six or seven on 600 square metres (about one-eighth of an acre)? And twice as much would allow for a profitable micro-enterprise? If every urban home had that space, they would be food-secure for life and cities could feed themselves more cheaply.
Did you know that just one-acre could not only support an extended family but also enable a complete business enterprise and small orchard with selected crops for sale – assuming peasants have standard rights and access to water and credit just like other middle-class citizens?
Did you know that industrialisation is NOT possible without agriculture?
Did you know that large-scale chemical agriculture – grandiosely but falsely claimed as a “Green Revolution” – that was promoted or imposed all over the world has now been discredited for poisoning our rivers and seas and the entire global environment, and for causing long-term health problems, especially cancer?
Did you know that industrialised countries are now making efforts to turn back to traditional, small-scale organic farming to heal the soil, produce safe and healthy food, and create mass employment?
We could change the face of our country this way.