Comments on: SINDHI CULTURAL SOCIETY JODHPUR, INDIA/2009/06/07/sindhi-cultural-society-jodhpur-india/Name of Excellence in alternative & borderless journalism.Together we stitch the world & make a difference. Leading today for tomorrow. Sindh lives hereThu, 21 May 2015 13:20:09 +0000hourly1 Ms. Priya Sachdev/2009/06/07/sindhi-cultural-society-jodhpur-india/comment-page-1/#comment-31609Thu, 21 May 2015 04:20:29 +0000/?p=6621#comment-31609Please correct the spelling for ANKERING, to Anchoring and Spokan to Spoken.

Thank you,
Priya Sachdev

By: Suresh Kumar/2009/06/07/sindhi-cultural-society-jodhpur-india/comment-page-1/#comment-14207Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:58:37 +0000/?p=6621#comment-14207Sindhu Mahal where Tewani is living. He is number one Darubaaz. He has one rakhail in sector 14. … On the name of helping women, he exploited them

By: harish devnani/2009/06/07/sindhi-cultural-society-jodhpur-india/comment-page-1/#comment-6739Wed, 16 Sep 2009 11:10:00 +0000/?p=6621#comment-6739on 13th sept 2009 sindhi cultural society jodhpur had orgenised a mega dance competetion 2009 at j n vyas town hall jodhpur in the memory of lalchand rijhumal. the show sponsored by mr dilip parwani of m/s diamondstar food stuff llc dubai uae
