LUXURY complexes to be changed into hotels


Rs. 90 billion had been borrowed for construction of such complexes and the people of this country will have to pay it off. However, he said the new government had stopped the construction of these complexes with immediate effect.

Luxury presidential complexes constructed by the last regime in Arugam Bay and in Jaffna are to be converted into hotels, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday.

Addressing a United National Party (UNP) meeting in Galle yesterday, he alleged that these had been constructed using the funds allocated for the President’s office. He said the complex in Arugam Bay comprises three bungalows meant for VIPS with a swimming pool in each of them, 14 other bungalows and in addition 18 single room bungalows and further 22 bungalows with 2 bed rooms in each of them.This complex inArugam Bay was named as an International Coordination Centre by the last regime.

Prime minister charged that these have been constructed without the approval of Parliament. Mr. Wickremesinghe said a total Rs. 90 billion had been borrowed for construction of such complexes and the people of this country will have to pay it off. However, he said the new government had stopped the construction of these complexes with immediate effect.

Also he promised further concessions to the people after the next general elections and said he would come up with a concession package soon.

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