Article Six of the constitution of Pakistan

by Muhammad Saleem Jami
Since long politicians of Pakistan, specially Mr. Nawaz Sharif, his party leaders, Imran Khan, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, journalist, anchorss and thier followers and many others are urging, pressing and demanding the government or parliamnet to fix the General Pervez Mushraf Under Article Six and this is true, correct and appropriate demend from the people and politicians that the General Pervez Mushraf had abrogated, conspired and subverted the constitution by inserting the 17 th amnedement and other unconstitutional acts and he is guilty of doing high treason but prior demanding this one should remember and keep it in his mind that article six has sub articles too and for your convenience I reproduce the Article Six of Constitution as under:-
6. (1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subverts the constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.

(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

(3) (Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) shall by law provide for the punishment of persons fould guilty of high treason.

Dear Sir this is the text of Article Six and according to Sub Article 2 of Article Six in my humble opinion then the parliamentarians who passed/supported the 17th amendment and those judges of Supreme Court who validated the 17th amendment are also guilty under Sub Article (2) of Article 6 and my question is that why politicians, journalists, anchors of TV Shows, Lawyer Leaders and civil society is just demending that General Pervez Mushraf be fixed but excluding others from any prosecution, is this is thier justice and accountability, which favouring many but doing no equality with the culprits, corrupts and offenders of country and society.

In the last I will request, who demends accountability of one must not facilitate others with his/her own like and dislike and if he do this thats mean he is also corrupt and has no affection with the country, society and people.

3 thoughts on “Article Six of the constitution of Pakistan”

  1. Sir one think which i would like to mention here that the person who is abrogating the constitution,at the mean time how it is possible to punish the abrogator.

  2. PM Yousaf Raza has quoted that Article 6 is violated if he writes letter to Swiss Govt regarding opening of cases against President n punishes death.
    Pls advise.

  3. Sir i am a student doing my studies after post graduation………i appreciate the point you brought forward its good 2 understand this fiction created by our politicians.

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