Books on Yoga in Sindhi

HYDERABAD: Book on Yoga launched

Bureau Report

Courtesy: Daily Dawn

HYDERABAD, Oct 13: The first ever Sindhi language book on Yoga in post-partition Sindh, titled as ‘Yoga Assan and Paranayam’ was launched at the Mumtaz Mirza auditorium, Sindh Museum, here on Sunday. The launching ceremony of the book, written by Khempal Sharma, was performed by human rights activist comrade Rochi Ram.

Speaking as the chief guest, Sindh secretary culture and tourism Gul Mohammad Umrani said Yoga was in fact a branch of philosophy which needed to be studied and understood.

Paying compliments to Mr Sharma, he said, the writer had done a great job by writing a book on Yoga in the Sindhi language. He said in Pakistan people had kept themselves away from philosophy and paid more attention to mysticism.

In his presidential remarks, MPA Dr Ramesh Wankwani said Yoga was always helpful when a person became disappointed or dejected. He said practice of Yoga provided great relief from various diseases.

Rights activist comrade Rochi Ram said Yoga always helped in bringing to surface the latent abilities of a human being.

Eminent Sindhi writer Wali Ram Walabh said after the Partition this was the first book on this subject in Sindhi language. He suggested opening of Yoga practicisng centres in Sindh.

Others who spoke on the occasion, included Jami Chandio, MPA Bhag Chand, Eng S. Lal Ahuja, Dr Chandi Ram Shahani, Dadi Leela, Jam Saqi and others.

The writer of the book Khempal Sharma also spoke on the occasion and gave demonstration of various Yoga exercises.

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