Tag Archives: Prime

Canada speaks out against Quran burning

Harper condemns Qur’an burning plan

Prime Minister Stephen Harper added his voice to the global outcry against a U.S. church’s plan to burn 200 copies of the Qur’an on Saturday — the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

“I don’t speak very often about my own religion but let me be very clear: My God and my Christ is a tolerant God, and that’s what we want to see in this world,” he said.

“I unequivocally condemn it,” he said. “We all enjoy freedom of religion and that freedom of religion comes from a tolerant spirit.”

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The human rights situation in Pakistan is getting worse

Baloch, Sindhi expatriates protest before UK PM’s residence

London, July 26 (ANI): Baloch and Sindhi expatriates living in London protested in front of 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the British Prime Minister on Sunday to seek international intervention in the killing of innocent people in Balochistan.

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