Signs of Colon cancer

Blood in the stool, change in blowel habits, pencil thin stool, feeling that the bowel doesn’t finish completely, Diarrhea or constipation, dark stool, fatigue etc

One thought on “Signs of Colon cancer”

  1. Good points… here’s a little clarification. Blood in the stool due to cancer is usually not going to show up as “red” blood in the bowl, on the stool or on toilet paper. Blood from cancer (unless it is in the very end of the colon) is usually going to show up as a dark or black, tarry looking stool as the blood is broken down.

    Actual red blood on stool, in toilet on paper is usually a hemmorhoid.

    BUT: Either way indicates the need to see your doctor to check you out to make sure.

    Thanks for post, colon cancer is a very serious problem that if caught in time can be treated.

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