We are proud on Jami Chandio

by Sarfraz Memon, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
We in Washington are fortunate to have SaeeN Jami Chandio in our area as he periodically has Kachahries with us. We all Sindhis should be proud of his work and contributions he has made in the cause of Sindh, and he has rightfully achieved prestigious and high status on the international arena. Someone to be followed as role model.
Mr. Jami Chandio is executive director of the Center for Peace and Civil Society (CPCS), a think tank based in Pakistan’s Sindh province. He edits CPCS’ quarterly journal Freedom and oversees seminars on democracy that target civil society, especially young journalists. One of Pakistan’s most celebrated columnists, Mr. Chandio is the former editor of Ibrat, Pakistan’s largest Sindhi-language daily newspaper, a former anchor on Sindh TV and KTN, and former chair of the Liberal Forum of Pakistan. The only two-time winner of the All Pakistan Newspapers Society Award (in 2000 and 2001), he has authored more than a dozen books in Sindhi, Urdu, and English, including Beyond Headlines and Sound-bites: A Handbook for Reporting on Democracy and Good Governance (published by the Centre for Civic Education Pakistan). He has worked with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Pakistan as a political expert since 2004. During his fellowship, Mr. Chandio is studying the problems of federalism and prospects for provincial autonomy, including constitutional mechanisms that can be used to prevent, manage, and resolve intra-state conflict in Pakistan.

3 thoughts on “We are proud on Jami Chandio”

  1. shabbir Lashari himself a silent aatishfishan has remain behind bars for many years during the brutal era of Zia nul haq ,including myself for six months during MRD movement popular uprising of People specially from Sindh for their rights.
    When shabbir praises some one like Jami chandio then he is quite right in his words. when Jami chandio present his ideas about sindh and Pakistan then he represent whole sindh.
    We all are with you go a head and touch the skies,so that we could see the horizon of People of Sindh who have sacrificed and suffered lot.

    political analyst.

  2. I am feeling immence proud to see the works of Jami chandio , though I have met perhaps not b/c I could’nt recall the memory but I have seen him on TV and I knwo him from his columns published in various papers.

    He is committed to the cause of Sindh and problems facing Sindhi People.
    He has been visiting the world and attending seminars .
    My younger Dr Talib Lashari by joking told me that He has travelled several times when ever I have seen a man sleeping in airport lounge he definitely be Jami Chandio.I will always remain his welwisher.

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