US Lawmaker Wants Mumbai Attackers Brought Before International court

Washington: Casting doubts over whether Pakistan will be sincere in holding the trial of its nationals suspected to involved in the Mumbai terror attack, an influential they should be tried before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague. This is first time that a call has been made to make terrorist acts’ planners and those who carry out the attacks to be brought before an international tribunal on the ground that the Mumbai carnage was a “crime against humanity.” There is no reason for us to be secure in the belief that these planners would face justice (in Pakistan), said Ed Royee from California, a member of the House of sub-committee on Terrorism and Non-proliferation complaining that terrorists who planned attacks on Indian Parliament in December 2001 had been  let off after initial arrest. Sothe said all those involved in planning these attacks should be transferred to face trial before the international community in The Hague in Netherlands.

Pakistan has stuck to the position that if anyone from the country was found involved in the Mumbai attack then they would be tried only in the country as per its laws and that the suspects will not be handed over to any country.

“So I think, when you have a pattern of behaviour, which Pakistanis exhibited in the past, by intially arrestng the perpetrators and those involved in the planning after the attack on the Parliament and then releasing them, there is no reason for us to be secure in the belief that these planners would face justice, Yoyce said.

“These (Mumbai) attacks are crimes against humanity. The realisation that a terror training camp was being maintained and churning out terrorists across, has left us all with the realisation that we hve to leverage Pakistan to close down those camps.”

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