Tag Archives: Pakistan-U.S. relations

The Other Islamist Threat in Pakistan- by Selig S. Harrison

By Selig S. Harrison

– Mr. Selig Harrison is an eminent American Scholar and a director of the Asia Program at the Center for International Policy, Washington DC and a highly renowned expert on South Asian politics.

Courtesy: Boston.com, June 17, 2009

THE DANGER of an Islamist takeover of Pakistan is real. But it does not come from the Taliban guerrillas now battling the Pakistan Army in the Swat borderlands. It comes from a proliferating network of heavily armed Islamist militias in the Punjab heartland and major cities directed by Lashkar-e-Taiba, a close ally of Al Qaeda, which staged the terrorist attack last November in Mumbai, India.

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The Proxy War


The writer can be reached at kmkolachi@yahoo.com

Khalistan was an issue a few years ago but it is not any more. When the lobbies behind it withdrew the support, it came to an end. Similarly MMA suddenly became a political force but in a few years, it also disappeared. Issues are created whenever needed and kept alive until required.
Talibization is also an issue created by powerful lobbies of establishment to gain control of Afghanistan after Soviet unions defeat. Now it is being used as resistance against American advancement and influence. It will remain active till it is required. Due to Talibization, U.S.A. is giving money to the establishment of this country.

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