Tag Archives: Rally

Pakistan’s so called fanatics believe that sovereignty is violated when Al-Qaeda or Taliban are attacked, however when Al-Qaeda or Taliban attack innocent people of Pakistan, the sovereignty is not violated!

Parachinaris await next broken promise

Frustrated by lawmakers and politicians’ apathy and enraged by the negligence and indifference of the government and security apparatus, scores of youth and children from Parachinar held a protest march on Monday against the continuing siege of their town and killings of innocent commuters by militants.

Carrying coffins bearing the names of people brutally killed by extremists on their shoulders, the protesters marched from National Press Club to parliament house where the lower house was in session. The most noticeable thing in the rally, held on the 19th consecutive day of their peaceful protest, was the sight of young children wearing white shrouds. According to a press release issued on Monday by the youth of Parachinar, all the protesters were demanding was for the government to clear and open the Thal-Parachinar Road, which has been blocked for the last four years, and the continuing blockage of the road has created a plethora of problems for the people of the area. …

Read more : The Express Tribune

London Demonstration against Killings of Sindh’s patriot leaders

London – (Press release) : “World Sindhi Congress (WSC), Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) UK and International Voice for Missing Baloch Persons (IVFMBP) have announced a joint protest rally against the abductions and killings of Sindhi and Baloch people.

Heinous crimes by agencies on Sindhi and Baloch people are widespread and increasing day by day. Recently, on 21st April Sirai Qurban Khuhwar, and Roplo Choliani, prominent workers of Jeay Sindh were first wounded in firing by agencies on their car and then their bodies were set on fire by pouring petrol on them. In last four months alone more than one hundred mutilated bodies of Baloch political leaders and activists have been thrown. WSC requests human rights activists and peace loving people to join in the protest rally to raise their voice against killings, abductions and torture and show solidarity with the genuine cause of Sindhi and Baloch people. The rally will be held in front of 10 Downing Street on 1st May 2011 from 2 – 4pm. At the end of the rally a memorandum will be presented to British Prime Minster Rt. Hon. David Cameron to request him to press upon government to stop these gross violations of human rights against the people of Sindh and Balochistan people.

The Aabpara Oracle – The Quaid Ispeaks

By: Hakim Hazik

Peepil of the Punjab, rejyce! The juggernaat of Muttahidda is coming in you direction. The Almighty has ispoken, even to Imran Khan and Chaudhry Shujaat. When the Almighty ispeaks, peepil have to listen, especially those bilanging to midil cilass; otherwise they can disappear to meet the Almighty.

As you know the Almighty ispeaks to his chosen peepil firam time to time. It used to be in pilaces like Delphi and Sinai in the past. Naoo a days it is in the holy oracle of Aabpara. Imran was an the phoon firam Lahore. He has seen the light. He has been saved. He has piramissed nat to file the laa soot. I piray to Gad that he his ispared the wrath af Gad and the ire af the Sector Commanders, naoo that he has seen the error af his ways. May Gad girant him peace and divine rewards, such as piratection money and sacrificial skins. May Hugh Grant be visited upon by an electric dirill. I have put a gunny bag in the post to his Notting Hill address.

The peepil af Kiranchi have come together. They have said with one vaice: no to piratection rackets. They will nat pay their hard earned money to the thugs firam the Peace Kmaitees. They will pay their insurance money against expilaitation and terror only to the sector commanders on the first af every month. Those who fail to respect the will af the peepil, will be subject to full force af the carefully devised Muttahidda governance and will jyne the enemies af the peepil like Hakeem Saeed and Syed Salah ud Din. ….

Read more : Justice Denied

Pro-democracy rally begins in Algeria, defying ban

Pro-democracy rally begins in Algeria, defying ban

Thousands defied a government ban to hold a pro-democracy rally in Algiers

Thousands of people are holding a pro-democracy rally in Algeria’s capital Algiers, defying a government ban. Scuffles broke out between the protesters and riot police and a number of people were reportedly arrested.

Algeria – like Egypt, Tunisia and other countries in the region – has recently witnessed demonstrations for greater freedoms and better living standards.

Public demonstrations are banned in Algeria because of a state of emergency still in place since 1992.

Heavy police presence

The protesters gathered at Algiers’ 1 May Square on Saturday morning.

They chanted “Bouteflika out!” – in reference to the country’s President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. …

Read more : BBC

Baloch peaceful rally in front of the US Consulate in Vancouver

BHRC & IVBMP letter to US consulate

The purpose of our peaceful rally today is to express our concern over the ongoing military operation and summary executions conducted by the — and — occupation forces in Balochistan. We also would like to express our concern regarding the U.S. military aid to Pakistan, which is being diverted by the — to crush the freedoms and rights movement in Balochistan. Instead of fighting the Afghan Taliban, the Al-Qaida linked Haqqani Terror-Network in North Waziristan, or Mulla Omar’s Quetta Shura; the — military and its intelligence services are committing atrocities against civilian Baloch populace. …

Read more : baluchsarmachar

Rally for freedom and democracy in Egypt

Mubarak, you’re fired!’ Toronto rally Saturday

By Krystalline Kraus

Rally for freedom and democracy in Egypt, Saturday, February 5, Assemble at 1 p.m., Queen’s Park (south side), TTC: Queen’s Park, Nearest intersection: University Avenue and College Street, March begins at 2 p.m. Please dress warmly.

Event on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/FreeEgypt

Just weeks after a revolution in Tunisia toppled its decades-old dictatorship, a similar movement in Egypt is poised to overthrow the 30-year-old regime of Hosni Mubarak. Please join us for a city-wide, family-friendly rally and march in downtown Toronto in support of the Egyptian people’s struggle for freedom and democracy, and to support all freedom struggles across the region. Please bring your placards, banners, and noise-makers.

Organized by – Canadian Coptic Association, Egyptian National Association for Change, Toronto Egypt Solidarity Campaign, Canadian Arab Federation, Canadian Peace Alliance, Toronto Coalition to Stop the War


Join our next volunteers’ meeting: Friday, February 4, 2011, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor Street West, Room number to be posted, TTC: Spadina

Help us assemble placards and paint banners (all materials provided) and find out how you can help during the rally and march. Please RSVP to info@nowar.ca.

Read more : Rebble.Ca

Peace rally against Governor Taseer’s brutal murder

Lahore : On 7th January, 2011 the vigil by civil society turned into a dharna. There was a massive presence of people. Could have been 1500. The mall road was blocked for an hour. Scores of young people were present. If these people really fight and struggle this can become a mass movement against the assassins of Governor Salman Taseer.

The next peace rally against Governor Taseer’s brutal murder at Quaid-e-Azam library Lawrence gardens 12 noon on Saturday January 8th, 2011. Please show solidarity and attend in large numbers.

Target killing of Balochs

Protest rally against the target killing of Baloch politician in London

Baloch Human Rights Council and World Sindhi Congress are jointly holding a peaceful protest rally in front of British prime minister official residence at 10 Downing Street, London on Sunday 25 July 2010 at 2 .00 to 4.00 pm against the Target Killing of prominent Baloch politician Habib Jalib by … proxy death squad. .. and … are committing heinous crimes against humanity in Balochistan. …

July 22, 2010

BHRC (Canada) held a protest rally

Toronto, April 17, 2009 – Baloch Human Rights Council (Canada) held a protest rally in Toronto to express their shock and concern over the abduction, torture, and extra judicial killings of the three Baloch leaders, Ghulam Mohammad Baloch, Lala Munir, and Sher Mohammad Baloch. The rally was attended by Baloch community of Toronto, World Sindhi Institute, Canadian Kashmiri Association, and Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum.

The rally was addressed by Humaira Rahman of WSI, Javed Khan of Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum, Mumtaz Khan of Canadian Kashmiri Association, and Zaffar Baloch of Baloch Human Rights Council ( Canada ).

The speakers expressed their concern over the worsening human rights situation in Balochistan and appealed to the international community to take notice of the deepening political crisis in Balochistan.

They demanded an immediate halt to the ongoing operation in Balochistan and the withdrawal of the 80,000 troops from the province. The rally asked for immediate release of the disappeared persons, political detainees, including the 141 Baloch women kidnapped by the intelligence agencies.

The speakers demanded that the Baloch peoples’ right and sovereignty over their lands and natural resources should be unconditionally accepted by the government in accordance to UN charter of rights of nations, including the political and economic freedoms and the right to self determination.

Rally in Toronto Against Taliban Atrocities

TORONTO: This Sunday, the Canadian Pashtun community staged protests the Taliban’s ongoing and brutal oppression of Pashtun people in Northwestern Pakistan. Answering the call of the Pashtun Peace Committee for a “first-ever anti-Taliban rally in Canada.” Says rally spokesman Inayat Khan Kakar:

Continue reading Rally in Toronto Against Taliban Atrocities