Tag Archives: salah

The Aabpara Oracle – The Quaid Ispeaks

By: Hakim Hazik

Peepil of the Punjab, rejyce! The juggernaat of Muttahidda is coming in you direction. The Almighty has ispoken, even to Imran Khan and Chaudhry Shujaat. When the Almighty ispeaks, peepil have to listen, especially those bilanging to midil cilass; otherwise they can disappear to meet the Almighty.

As you know the Almighty ispeaks to his chosen peepil firam time to time. It used to be in pilaces like Delphi and Sinai in the past. Naoo a days it is in the holy oracle of Aabpara. Imran was an the phoon firam Lahore. He has seen the light. He has been saved. He has piramissed nat to file the laa soot. I piray to Gad that he his ispared the wrath af Gad and the ire af the Sector Commanders, naoo that he has seen the error af his ways. May Gad girant him peace and divine rewards, such as piratection money and sacrificial skins. May Hugh Grant be visited upon by an electric dirill. I have put a gunny bag in the post to his Notting Hill address.

The peepil af Kiranchi have come together. They have said with one vaice: no to piratection rackets. They will nat pay their hard earned money to the thugs firam the Peace Kmaitees. They will pay their insurance money against expilaitation and terror only to the sector commanders on the first af every month. Those who fail to respect the will af the peepil, will be subject to full force af the carefully devised Muttahidda governance and will jyne the enemies af the peepil like Hakeem Saeed and Syed Salah ud Din. ….

Read more : Justice Denied

Jewish Namaaz – الصلاة اليهودية – כריעות בשמונה עשרה

The prayer/ Namaaz is same since Hazrat Adam, that is why the way of performing Namaaz is not described in the Holy Quran. Islam, Christinanity, and Judaism is one and the same religion.

Via Siasat.pkYou Tube

There are 5 places where one “bends-down” during this prayer (HT5:10). Each time one “bends-down,” he should arch his back bending over …

The content of this prayer were established by the Court established under Moses, at the time at which it was headed by Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel, Zechariah, etc…( HT5:2); It’s also called the Shemoneh Esreh …

When beginning … daily prayers, start from a standing position facing toward …, with feet side by side, eyes lowered, and ones right hand clasped over his left hand over his heart, with his heart turned to “Above” in fear, awe, and dread, as a servant before his master, (HT5:4).

NOTE: Not EVERYTHING done in the clip is obligatory. If someone is confused or mislead, it is not our fault because the belief/ opinion/ view is personal matter and it could be right or wrong. The opinions, beliefs, wishes, traditions etc expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy of editor.

Morocco : Jews and Muslims pray together at pilgrimage site

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