Tag Archives: Joint struggle

IAOJ editorial : Counter the undemocratic forces through joint struggle

The equation of the establishment of Pakistan is changing and a new equation of establishment (Security establishment + Power hungry judicial activists + segment of media & politicians) is emerging to power struggle with democratic forces of the country.

The history of democracy in different countries say that in initial stages, democracy doesn’t bring much but it give opportunities to different stake holders to discuss, involve, evolve and share ideas openly to move forward. If democracy empower continuing than it has a mechanism to bring astonishing benefits to the country and its people. Democracy has mechanism and dynamics to filter those who are not performing well or it helps them to re-aproach through democratic ways to new thinking and to carry some thing better and positive to the voters. This is the time for the parliament and democratic forces of Pakistan to do joint struggle against the undemocratic move, conspiracy or unconstitutional road map which may derail the democracy. Remember ones Winston Churchill was said that “Democracy is the worst system but it is the best system we have.”