(Press release): July 14, 2013 – Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) general body unanimously adopted following resolutions at its 29th annual convention held in San Francisco, CA, July 4-7, 2013.
Desperate Situation: SANA expresses grave concern at the critical and desperate situation in Sindh where people live under abject poverty; where there is no safety and security of life and property; where terrorism and corruption rule the roost; where education is not guaranteed for all the children; where youth doesn’t see any future; where people don’t have access to economic opportunities; where women and minorities are denied their basic rights; where efforts are being made to artificially change the demography of the province; where people are denied their inalienable human rights; where people are pushed into dark ages and they see no light at the end of the tunnel.
Peace: SANA holds the present and the past governments responsible for the miserable situation and calls for immediate steps to bring drastic changes to improve the lot of the people. It calls upon the government to restore peace, end the politics of violence and ensure the security of the life and the property. There cannot be any progress and development without peace.
Education: It is unfortunate that the education, which should have got top priority, remains to be the most neglected subject. SANA calls upon the government to accord required importance to education and make all possible efforts on war footings to provide quality education to the youth so that they can become productive citizens. SANA also calls for opening up all the urban educational institutions for all the students in the province without any discrimination.
Corruption: It is noted with grave concern that corruption has become a norm in the society. It has actually grown manifolds in the past few years. The major part of the budget is eaten away by corrupt politicians, civil and military bureaucrats and other influential people leaving only a little for any development projects. All out efforts should be made to eradicate corruption from the society.
Continue reading SANA Calls for Peace, Progress, Education, Development & Rights for Sindh