Tag Archives: bills


by Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, retired employee of State Bank of Karachi

You better know than others all and sundry, the hazards and havoc of poverty increasing day by day faced by the fixed salaried poor retired people of Pakistan as their pay scales remain the same on which their pension was calculated at the time of thier retirement where as the salaries of serving employees increase by way of raising pay scales and annual increments. Thus, the serving employees get higher pays and other emoluments. The retired employees get only rise in their pensions when Government of Pakistan announces at the time of introducing the new budgets of the year. Accordingly, all the retired Government pensioners the rise in their pensions but it is only the State Bank which shows less sympathy and does not mercy on the poverty stricken pensioners. Would you please keeping into consideration the present price hike and inflationary trends in Pakistan since particularly last decade, have mercy on the plight of pensioners and order for atleast 50% rise in their pensioners because State Bank record will show you that rise in pensions announced by Government has not been given to its pensioners . The rise in pensions announced by the Govenrment of Pakistan with effect from 1st July 2010, has yet not been allowed since all the Government pensioners have been allowed this rise immediately after the announcment of the Government.