Tag Archives: Punjab card

So called patriots, G..TV, Punjab card, and Nawaz Shairf Saheb

by Hameed Diplai
It’s difficult to understand that why some people don’t have problem? and why they keep silence when Nawaz Sharif Saheb play Punjab Card and chant the slogan “JAG PANJABI JAG“??
After assassination of PML (Q) played Punjab Card widely in its relief advertisements but no people raise his/her voice against Punjab Card but when some body ask in favor of Sindh, so-called patriots wake up and start criticizing and ridiculing.
I believe that media is sole responsible to aware people about the facts and unfold what is going behind curtain but it does not mean to be a party. I am agreed with the opinion that G.. TV has played a negative role in entire scenario and responsibility to exaggerate the situation lies on the shoulders of G.. team. G.. is working as an agent. G.. management should review the policy and avoid becoming a political party.

Mar 21, 2009

Source:  Sindhi e-lists/ e-groups

Opinion: Why don’t we support the great struggle of lawyers?

by: Sabir Hussain

Today most of “intellectuals”, “columnist” “professors”, “and all who have love & sympathy for Sindh & Sindhi nation, demanding from those who struggled for independence of judiciary, to raise issues of Sindh before Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhery in order to prove their struggle justified, but none of them have dare to raise voice on crucial issues of Sindh (like issue of water, NFC, resource, Jobs, Education, peace & justice in every subject, karo kari & wadera shahi, problems of jobs & admission for sindhies in colleges & universities of Karachi, and many more) in front of elected “SINDHI PRESIDENT” whose party is elected by votes of Sindhi people & whom for Sindh & sindhi people have given sacrifices in every age…

These leaders of Sindh who always got power because of the votes & sacrifices of Sindhi people have made life miserable of Sindh, peoples of Sindh are forced to sell their beloved child because there is no water even for KAFN DAFN, number of Sindhi women killed in the name of KARO KARI, there are no roads, no shelter, no food, no jobs for sindhi people, few agents & mafia is destroying education of Sindh since last 30 years in the Universities of Sindh, day by day sindhi people have been murdered socially, politically, economically but these MNAs, MPA, WADERAS and President have never wanted to arrest those people, the heart of Sindh Karachi is no go area for Sindhi people, there is no jobs and admission for Sindhi students in Karachi but these sold agents parliamentarian have done nothing against this illegal & horrors acts.

And even these columnists, journalists, have never even

written on these issues, they have not protest against these issues in front of the government of PPP.

In above said status Quo if Chief Justice wants to build independent judiciary  to provide justice & peace to the people of Sindh & Pakistan than what is wrong with it? If he refused to follow illegal actions & orders of a Dictator than what sin has he committed? And when he has taken sueo moto actions against following criminal acts than what illegal & unethical act has Choudhery done?

Remember that:

1)He took against action Federal Minister of PPP Hazar Khan Bijarani as he had done illegal act of SANG CHATTI and sold five younger innocent girls of a poor people.

2)He took actions against the administration of a hospital when a poor non Muslim farmer women dead on the road during her pregnancy because the administration of Hospital refused to admit her.

3)He took action against Qasimabad police as they arrested two younger innocent children.

4)He took action against illegal & unconstitutional sell of Steel Mill, as it was national assets of Sindh,

5)He took action against missing persons,

6)He took action against a police officer on murdered of poor labourer Rasool Bux Birohi

7)He took against Zamindar Abdul Rehman Mari as he murdered the whole family of a farmer Mano Bheel.

These and other positive and legal actions taken by CJ

Iftikhar, without any greedness, he did not differentiate that he is sindhi so he should not provide justice, or any other thing.

I think there is game played by the agencies to keep away

Sindhi people from great struggle of Judiciary, this struggled was done by every Pakistani without any fear & force only to see law & order in the country, every one wants independent judiciary and independent courts in Pakistan.

Now as for as issues of Sindh & Sindhi people concerned

so we don’t forget that every sindhi must play their role and ask elected MNAs, MPA and president to do justice with Sindhi on every issue, we should demand from this PPP Govt to make clear, legal & fair policies on main issues of Sindh, I am regret to say that still PPP Govt has not any clear policy against issues like Education, Water, NFC, Kala Bagh Dam, natural resource, if they have than

must announce to whole Sindhi nation that how they are going to resolve these burning issue.

In last I will say that please don’t misguide whole nation, and don’t irritate them by telling kiddy stories. Focus on struggle to resolve crucial and burning issues of Sindh and demand from your elected members & Govt to be fair with Sindh and do justice with sindhi nation & prove yourself as real son of great soil.

21 March, 2009