Camel milk, urine to treat cancer?

DUBAI: A group of Arab researchers is claiming to have developed a medical formula for treating cancer by using camel’s milk and urine.

Researchers at Arab Biotechnology Company ( ABC) have said experiments conducted on mice have proved to be 100 % successful. They found the camel’s immune system was rejuvenating itself every time they took samples of milk and urine, making it one of the strongest immune systems.

The lab mice that have been injected with the new drug since six months are still live and their behavior natural like the healthy ones. The new remedy carries smart cells that can attack poisonous substance in the cancerous cells without producing any side effects, they added.

“The medicine, a combination of camel’s milk and urine, has been tested on experimental mice and will be tested on human being,” Abdalla Alnajjar, President of Arab Science and Technology Foundation said. …

Read more : The Times of India

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