Realize now and do something, before it’s too late!

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA
The writer can be reached at
It appears that our adversaries are organized, determined and have every intension of fully controlling Balochistan and Sindh by using any means that would work. In these difficult times, Sindhis and Baluch have no choice but to unite and save our identity and our homeland. I volunteer my time and energy to participate, organize, lead, or follow an action plan to do some serious advocacy on behalf of our people. However, to make some headway we need at least a dozen persons who are ready to devote 8-10 hours per week to this cause.
In Sindh, they have divided Sindhis in several groups (Sindhi-vs-Sindhi, Sindhi-vs-Mohajir, Mohajir-vs-Pathan) . Having succeeded in weakening the present PPP government, both at the federal and provincial levels, and by dividing people of Sindh, they are now boldly moving to gain complete control of smaller provinces.
In Balochistan, they are on the killing spree to eliminate Baluch leadership. I suspect that these killing cadres have been unleashed against Baluch first. Once Baloch leaders have been killed, the same  forces will move against those Sindhi leaders who do not toe their line and give up demands for provincial autonomy and the abolition of concurrent list.
In NWFP, the provincial government has lost all control to Taliban and it is just matter of few months before Taliban will be controlling Peshawar as well.
The way I see the situation, there is a long struggle ahead for smaller provinces to achieve their political rights and protect their identity and culture. We might as well realize now and do something, anything, before it is too late!

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