Enjoy the wonder and adventure Sri Lanka has to offer thanks to Go Outdoors Lanka


Travelling along the highway while lounging in the comfort of one of the motor homes provided by Go Outdoors Lanka Ltd., is a novelty experience indeed. Complete with a couch, bed and dining area, both motor home and caravan come complete with all the comforts of home, including a stove, oven, sink, television and a fully equipped bathroom. It’s literally a little house on wheels, with plenty of room to walk around and even add a pet to the travelling party, which may comfortably consist of up to eight adults.

Leaving at late noon the tour took us out of Colombo and along the southern highway towards our destination. A wide-open space with coconut trees standing like sentinels guarding the breathtaking view of the Kirinda beach. The caravan park comes well equipped for the process of refuelling and recharging motor homes, as well to serve as a campsite for motor home travellers and caravanners. Go Outdoors Lanka Ltd. has been responsible for the existence of 17 such parks throughout the island.

The next morning saw us visiting Yala, where we paused for photographs at the entrance of the National Park, as well as the Yodha Wewa, Tissa Wewa and the famed Tissamaharamaya temple. The large flexible windows of the motor home allow one to take in the full-unhindered extent of the wasteland surrounding the Yodha Wewa and the lush green and blue of the Tissa Wewa alike, not to mention the spectacular sight of the deathbed of yet another day as we enjoyed a smooth drive back to Colombo.

Go Outdoors Lanka Ltd. provides Sri Lankans with the opportunity to make a lasting investment that will give them the freedom to travel as they please without having to give up on their much loved domestic luxuries. All motor homes and caravans imported by Go Outdoors Lanka Ltd. are specially selected from a range of world-renowned brands in order to ensure that the customer enjoys nothing but the highest standard of comfort whilst travelling.


Source : http://www.ft.lk/article/557964/Enjoy-the-wonder-and-adventure-Sri-Lanka-has-to-offer-thanks-to-Go-Outdoors-Lanka#sthash.WdyS41aR.dpuf

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