14th March – 130th anniversary of Karl Marx

Leader of oppressed people of the world died on 14th March 1883.

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways: the point, however, is to change it.” – KARL MARX

“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

“Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex.” – Karl Marx

“Revolutions are the locomotives of history.” – Karl Marx

“The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.” – Karl Marx

“Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.” – Karl Marx

“Religion is the opium of the masses.” – Karl Marx

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.” – Karl Marx

“Nothing can have value without being an object of utility.” – Karl Marx

“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.” – Karl Marx

“Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.” – Karl Marx

“If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist.” – Karl Marx

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a Prussian-German philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. His ideas played a significant role in the establishment of the social sciences and the development of the socialist movement. He is also considered one of the greatest economists of all time.

More on Marx: Wikipedia

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