by Asim Kaghzi, Calgary
The girl flogging video clip is a part of documentary relayed on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) network in Canada, the same documentary also showed public punishment of a man as well, which is equally condemnable, the documentary also showed how the state has practically dissolved on ground in Swat area, the really shocking thing is the failure of State to prove totally ineffective in administration of law and order situation, it is very much true for Swat which is documented, also in Punjab when state was trying to control Noon League Munda from coming to Islamabad from Lahore, whereas state can shoot at site people in Sindh and Baluchistan.
So what does that mean, in my humble opinion, the state has started melting and is bifurcated between winners and losers. I see extremists as winners and Sindhis and Balochs as losers.
Courtesy: SANAlist, April 06, 2009