Another Resolution Soon in Sindh Assembly on Oil and Gas Companies’ Injustices

Ishak Soomro

Another Resolution Soon in Sindh Assembly on Oil and Gas Companies’ Injustices  

MPA Sindh Mandhro Visits PDI Office and Appreciates PDI Research and Campaign  

This is to share with you Mr. Sikander Mandhro MPA – the mover of resolution on the injustices with the local communities of Sindh by the oil and gas companies, on Monday visited PDI office and held detailed meeting with PDI Director Sikander Brohi and Program Officer Ishak Soomro.


In his three hour meeting Mr. Mandhro appreciated the research and advocacy efforts of PDI-Oxfam with regard to the community development, royalty, production bonus and other obligations of the oil and gas companies in Sindh. He appreciated the efforts of Ishak Soomro on holding meetings with him and providing him background material on the issues of oil and gas companies and their obligations for presenting resolution against the injustice of oil and gas companies. He said that the information provided by PDI has opened the eyes of the elected representatives as well as officials in Sindh Government. He said that he is preparing to move another resolution in Sindh Assembly soon in which a demand would be made that the amounts of Production Bonus which has not been provided since last 30 years should be provided to the provinces soon as this amount can be spend on the community development in the oil and gas producing areas. He also disclosed that A high power committee of the elected representatives and provincial officials is also being made to look into the saga of the injustice in which Sindh province and its communities have been deprived from employments to the local, royalties, production bonus and other commitments since last many years.


On this occasion, more details were provided to Mr. Sikander Mandhro on the above issues. He appreciated latest research publication of PDI- Oxfam titled in Oil Exploration and ProductionPakistan: Issues in the Legal Framework on Community Development and Environment”


It may be mentioned that following background material provided to Mr. Sikander Mandhro MPA during more than three meetings by PDI Program Officer Ishak Soomro, some days back Sikander Methro moved a resolution against the injustice by the oil and gas companies with the local communities in jobs, community development and other commitments. Following is the new of that resolution:

Source Sindhi lists.

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