Tag Archives: 1940 Resolution

The demand for provincial autonomy on the basis of 1940 Lahore resolution

by Khalid Hashmani, McLean, Virginia, USA

The demand for provincial autonomy on the basis of 1940 resolution is gaining support of many in Pakistan. I salute the Chief Minister of Balochistan, SaeeN Nawab Aslam Raisani for his statement and action plan discussed below in the DAWN report. I hope that other PPP leaders from all provinces will also show similar courage and demand that the centre should only be responsible for foreign affairs, defense, currency and communications and the rest of the powers should be transferred to the provinces.

Call for autonomy on the basis of 1940 resolution by Saleem Shahid in Daily Dawn, please click here

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What Chater of Democracy says;

by Manzoor Chandio, Karachi, Sindh
The writer works in daily dawn, Karachi and he can be reached at catalyst2pk@yahoo.com
Blog: http://manzoorchandio.blogspot.com/
..Chauvinists with the religious obscurantists is not new phenomenon for Sindhis. From the Pakistan Resolution (1940 Resolution) to the Charter of Democracy, they have routinely flouted making Pakistan a constitutional democracy.
They have always cheated the Sindh, killed Sindhi leaders and looted the resources.. in the name of Pakistan and Islam. The Pakistan Resolution envisaged “sovereign” and “autonomous” states in Pakistan. Sixty years on, we have yet to see “sovereign” and “autonomous” Sindh. How the .. PML-N chauvinists .. recently threw the Charter of Democracy into a dustbin and started blackmailing the PPP government.

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