Tag Archives: blog

The worst poster boys for Islam

by Nadeem F. Paracha

I received a number of emails on my last blog, Reform Now. Most of the people who wrote to me asked whether I could comment more on the list of reforms that I suggested in the second part of the blog.

Well, here is a sincere attempt.

I would like to acknowledge eminent scholars and authors such as Javed Ahmed Ghamidi, Ziauddin Sardar, Muhammad Akhund, Ali Shariati, Irshad Manji, Dr. Fazalur Rehman, Musa Al-Sadr, and Abdullah Chakralawi, whose published work helped me construct this modest attempt.

Read more >> blog.dawn

Pakistan Corruption Reporter blog launched

– Iqbal Tareen, USA

As part of global fight against corruption and power abuse the “Pakistan Corruption Reporter” blog has been launched. This Blog is dedicated to transparency in public and private governance including executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government and political, media, civil society, and faith based organizations in Pakistan. Please feel free to report any incident of corruption and/or abuse of power to be published in this blog. Each person remains accountable for the content of his or her posting.

Pakistan Corruption Reporter, click here

Visit: http://corruption-reporter.blogspot.com/