Sindhi Sammellan in Ahmedabad 2011

18th International Sindhi Sammelan, 16th, 17th, & 18th Dec 2011.

Once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the entire world wide community in the beautiful environment of Ahmedabad. It’s all going to be happening from 16th – 18th December 2011.

It is my honour and privilege to welcome you to the 18th International Sindhi Sammelan 2011. This mega event is hosted by Sindhi Council of India – A Global Umbrella Organisation of Sindhis of India in collaboration with Alliance of Sindhi Associations of Americas Inc., which had organized seventeen Sammelans in USA, UK, Mumbai, Singapore, Jakarta, Barbados etc, since 1992.

Sindhis have blazed their success trail in many regions of the world as entrepreneurs and professionals. However, in the process of adapting to their new homes, many Sindhis have lost touch with their roots of the language, literature, culture, cuisine, traditions and rituals of their ancestral homeland.

The objective of the conference is rekindle the spirit of Sindhiyat, the linguistic and cultural bond between Sindhis that transcends geographical distances, through this Sammelan & it’s cultural programs related to sindhi traditions.

We have invited scholors from India and all over the World to present delibrations on Sindhyat. You may enroll as delegate. Refer the details in brochure / Registration form.

I sincerely desire your participation on this memorable event.


Chairman, 18th International Sindhi Sammelan 2011

National President Sindhi Council of India

Director, Alliance of Sindhi Associations of Americas, Inc

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6 thoughts on “Sindhi Sammellan in Ahmedabad 2011”

  1. I am sad to find that in India high society sindhis do not speak in sindhi in their homes which is highly objectionable and matter of no pride. I am of the view that all sindhis should communicate in sindhi whenever they meet with one another.
    they speak in marwari or English unnecessary out of egoism.Then how can sindhi survive..when in Pakistan they can speak sindhi why not in India. so this point should be discussed if sindhi is kept survived..and all should take oath to do possible to reclaim Identity of sindhism.Jai Jhule Lal.

  2. Delighted to know the event for integrating sindhi community to save and keep live culture and language, Post migration due poor political negotiation , our identity was on stake and all have only thought of rebuilding the needs for making happy living but have lost culture , due non availability of adminitrative infrastruture. Sindh state should be made so that sindhis could take own decisions for keeping live the culture and language. In the coming event , eminent leaders should retrospect what is lost and how to improve & bring harmony for poor sindhis. Thoughts may be given how to achieve goal for setting our sindh state any where in Globe.

    Sindhis are peace loving and helpful , but now new generation is finding very tough competative envorment to servive and drift to unrespectable business of Liquor. If we take average indian sindhi , we will find that , he still struggle for the happy living. No govenment have looked the problems of sindhis , It is only Sindhi social NGOs have worked hard to help the poor sindhis.

  3. I am happy to find that sindhi sammelan is here.I am staunch supporter of sindhism.And I am proud to take birth in sindhi family which have so many specialities this world has to know yet.My thanks for organising this congregation.

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