Tag Archives: University


Case of bogus science – By Pervez Hoodbhoy

COMSTECH is the Organisation of Islamic Countries’ highest scientific body. It has received millions of dollars from OIC countries, including Pakistan.

Comstech’s magnificent headquarters are located on Constitution Avenue in Islamabad. It has been headed by Dr Atta-ur-Rahman since 1996. Although its performance has been consistently mediocre, the organisation has now descended to an all-time low.

Recently Dr Rahman published an eye-popping article entitled HAARP (Dawn, Oct 17). The article claims that a physics research project, based in Alaska, may have been used by the US to trigger earthquakes globally, and could also have caused the catastrophic floods in Pakistan. Dr Rahman concludes with a chilling question: “Is the HAARP then, a harmless research tool — or a weapon of mass destruction far more lethal than nuclear weapons? We may never know.”

Given Dr Rahman’s prominent place in Pakistani science, and that he is fellow of the Royal Society, one must consider seriously his claim that HAARP can cause earthquakes and floods. But even the briefest examination makes clear his claims make no scientific sense.

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme. Its website states it is a research programme run by the University of Alaska in collaboration with various US colleges and universities. If HAARP is a secret military project conceived by evil and diabolical minds, it is hard to see why visitors, including foreign nationals, are said to be allowed on site. The website says that the last open house was on July 17, 2010.

At least on the face of things, HAARP does not have the trappings of an American secret weapons facility. (Google Earth, which I used, blacks these out.) Readers will see a field of antennas, as well as some cars and two ordinary looking buildings.

No security barriers are visible. This does not appear to be a classified project.

But, of course, appearances can be deceptive. So let us simply use common sense and physics. Assume therefore that the power of the transmitters is many times that declared on the website (3.6MW). This may mean HAARP could potentially disrupt radio communications during war, or blind incoming missiles. But science cannot accept Dr Rahman’s claim that “It (HAARP) may also affect plate tectonics causing earthquakes, floods through torrential rains and trigger tsunamis.”

Does the good doctor believe in magic and demons? How else can massive tectonic plates be moved by radio waves? Will HAARP tickle a sleeping subterranean monster that awakes and sets off earthquakes? This kind of thinking was what irate and ignorant village mullahs used after the 2005 Pakistani earthquake. They blamed cable television, after which followers smashed thousands of television sets.

Weather change simply cannot be caused by HAARP’s radio waves. …

Read more : DAWN

The question of Balochistan

By: Urooj Zia

If you see the flag of Pakistan in Balochistan, you are either on the Balochistan University campus in Quetta or at the provincial assembly – or, more alarmingly, within metres of a checkpost manned by the Frontier Corps (FC), the paramilitary force that controls the province. Nowhere else in this, the country’s largest province by area, will you see the national flag. On the contrary, flags of Azad Balochistan are a dime a dozen, adorning shops, houses, streetlights and random poles. Schools in the province – even those administered by the government – start their day not with ‘Pak ser zameen’ (the national anthem), but with ‘Ma chukki Balochani’, the anthem of Azad Balochistan. Here, the Pakistani state, army and paramilitary forces are figures of hate, while the sarmachar (Baloch ‘freedom fighters’) are considered heroes.

Read more >>- HIMAL

Proposal for Sindh Media University (SMU)

by: Manzoor Chandio

..there is a pressing need for setting up two universities in Sindh. 1- the Sindh Media University (SMU) because recently the media in Sindh has grown as an industry… It requires thousands of skilled people in various fields… 2- the Sindh University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences because our land is blessed with millions of animals but there is no scientific knowledge to save them. Every year thousands of livestock die after being hit by diseases leaving Sindh’s rural poor more poorer… Education in both these disciplines is the most neglected in Sindh…

If we don’t compare Sindh with the developed world and only look at Punjab, the province is much ahead of us and has established such universities.

The subjects of SMU should be mass communications, film, art, drama, theatre, folk crafts etc…SUVAS should impart scientific education about cattle and wildlife…Our old-styled rulers have no realisation that Sindh’s unique species of cows, buffaloes, goat etc are on the verge of being vanished. Wildlife is about to go extinct…

I would suggest, instead of setting up any media-related institution in Hyderabad, it should be established in Karachi because there is no university in the city named after Sindh. There are several institutions in Lahore named after Punjab… And no one has objection… Those who have imposed educational apartheid in Karachi and banned Sindhi students admission to educational institution of the city are planning even to rename the Sindh Medical College as Jinnah Medical College.

Continue reading Proposal for Sindh Media University (SMU)

Let’s leave a better world for our children

Larkana needs Univeristy

By: Mukhtiar Samo

Larkana is the one century old district which had population of 2.2 million before its recent bifurcation into two when district Kambar Shahdadkot was carved out from it in the second half of the year 2005. It has now population of 1.2 million people. Larkana has been the centre of education, business and the politics throughout the history. It is the home town of Two Prime Ministers, three Chief Ministers and many ministers, present education minister of Sindh included, prominent politicians, intellectuals and the professionals.

Continue reading Let’s leave a better world for our children