Courtesy: dawn
THIS year the Indus flow is expected to be the worst in the last five years, causing serious problems for the coming kharif crop in Sindh. As of June, Sindh will suffer 34 per cent shortage as compared to 14 per cent by Punjab.
For this reason alone, Sindh feels justified in pleading for closing the Chashma-Jhelum flood canal, Taunsa-Panjnad flood canal, Panjnad link canal and Thal canal, which flow from the Indus.
Continue reading Water flow: Sindh’s position →
Govt should not build small dams, says Abbasi
By Mohammad Hussain Khan
Courtesy: dawn
HYDERABAD: Eminent water expert and former chairman of the Technical Committee on Water Resources (TCWR) A.N.G. Abbasi said on Friday that small dams were more harmful than Kalabagh dam and advised the government to refrain from building them.
Continue reading Save River Indus : Small dams more harmful than Kalabagh dam →
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