Tag Archives: AWACS

India’s first Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) arrived from Israel

India’s first Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) arrived from Israel, significantly boosting India’s capability to detect missiles and fighters deep inside enemy territory. AWACS, an IL-76 transport aircraft with unusually powerful engines and fitted with an array of Israeli radar and surveilance systems. Israel had to cancel a Chinese order for the same Phalcon AWACS system, one of the most powerful snooping systems in the world, under US pressure a few years ago. AWACS will altogether “alter the dimension of the see-through capability and tethered electromagnetic sensors. The AWACS is mounted with radar that can detect missiles and aircraft in a few hundred kilometers radius. Simultaneously it can also collate surface information about troop movements and missile launches, while listening to communications between enemy frontline units. As the AWACS entered the Indian airspace, a formation of three Mig-29 and three Jaguar aircraft received the aircraft mid-air and escorted it to the Jamanagar airbase. The commanding officer of the first AWACS squadron group, captain B Saju, was quoted as saying, “It was a great feeling to be escorted by our fighters and it feels really good to be back.