Chamber of Tourism and Industry Chief on how to promote domestic air travel


The Chamber of Tourism and Industry along with the domestic airline operators has brought forward issues confronting the sector which hinder the promotion of tourism in the country.

Chamber of Tourism and Industry President A.M.Jaufer

The Chamber after having discussions with the airline operators has come forward with important suggestions for the consideration of the authorities.

Chamber of Tourism and Industry President A. M. Jaufer said that it takes 8 to 12 hours to reach destinations in the North and East by road, and for the tourist who arrive for a few days, the travel time taken is too much to visit these areas.

“The best solution is to offer domestic air tickets at reasonable prices so that the local passengers also can make use of the facility. In order to bring down the costs the Domestic Airline Operators have come up with the following suggestions,” Jaufer said.

The suggestions are:

  •  Removal of taxes including vat on air-tickets

Removal of Customs duty and other taxes on aircraft spare parts or concession to be granted.

  •  Free landing and parking to be granted in Jaffna, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Ampara
  •  Removal of the 14% withholding tax on the lease rental.
  •  Grant concessional fuel price for domestic operators
  •  Grant viability gap – 300 seats a day @ US $ 100 – Request for 10% viability gap
  •  Facilities in airports to be upgraded to handle day/night flights
  •  Make available fuel for domestic airlines at all airports, including Air Force bases. 
  •  The Digana (Kandy Airport) to be completed and opened for Civil Aircrafts, including wheeled  aircraft operation
  •  Regulations on pilot licences and engineer/technician licences such as “particular aircraft type rating” requirements to be relaxed and to allow all Single Engine Aircrafts to operate under one category of licence as practiced by FAA-USA

Jaufer also said: “If we could resolve the above, the regional investment will boom and local business community will benefit and at the same time tourist travel itinerary in the country could be expanded.”

The Chamber has presented its suggestions to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.


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