Sri Lanka the ‘Most Popular Destination’ at Guangzhou Int’l Travel Fair


The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Guangzhou in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau(SLTPB)organised Sri Lanka’s participation at the Guangzhou International Travel Fair (GITF) from 25 to 27 February  at the Canton Exhibition grounds in Guangzhou.

The GITF which is an annual event in Guangzhou and has been held since 1992, is considered one of the prestigious international travel fairs in the Asia Pacific region.

Sri Lanka which was the partner country at this year’s GITF under the theme ‘One Island, Thousand Treasures’ received the award for ‘Most Popular Destination,’ which gave a leveraging boost in enhancing Sri Lanka’s image as a diverse, exciting and a premier travel destination. The dance troupe from the Sri Lanka Army which performed on the opening night was very well received by the audience.

Thirty Sri Lankan travel agencies participated in the GITF. They were able to connect directly with outbound tour operators, travel agents and other travel buyers through two Roadshows hosted by the Consulate General and the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau in the Westin hotel in Guangzhou on 25 February and in Xiamen city in Fujian province on 29 February which events were very well attended by the Chinese travel industry and media.

Chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Board Paddy Withana, Consul General of Sri Lanka in Guangzhou Shanika Dissanayake, and Head of the China Desk at the SLTPB Chinthaka Liyanaarachchi addressed the gathering.

The Travel Fair attracted 956 exhibitors from 45 countries and regions.

Source :–Most-Popular-Destination–at-Guangzhou-Int-l-Travel-Fair#sthash.O7XU3Z9N.dpuf

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