Tag Archives: Social disorder


by Dr Ali Akbar Dhakan, Karachi, Sindh

Due to long political disorder in the country, social and economic disorder prevails in every government department.This has brought misfortunes and mishaps for the whole of Pakistan. Even the elected government has been in perplexion to handle all the affairs of the country in easy and relaxed manner.The country is facing terrorism and infidelity of all evils and crimes from the side of terrorists and enemies of the country. People feel insecurity and turmoil in economic and social fields.At one side high prices have put the people in difficult days to make their both ends meet and on the other hand,people are being harassed and looted by dacoits,thieves and criminals.It is also being observer in Sindh that no department of the government in the districts are working without taking bribes and corruption.It is because of the reported mismanagement in the affairs of running the government under rules and regulations.

All the ministers and their courtiers try to get their own people posted not in accordance with their experiance and qualifications.Mostly teachers and lacturers working in education department have been posted in local goverment offices in various posts and designations while the original people working and posted in local goverment offices have been made idle and without any posting for long times without salaries and facilities with the result that their families are facing financial hardships and difficulties so much so that they are prepared to make suicides because of the injustice done to their relatives who are the only solace for their livelihood.The Chief Secretary of Sindh is therefore requested to kindly inquire this fact and take disciplinary action against the delinquent officers of various department and streamline the whole system of good governance particularly in Sindh.