‘Pakistan fifth most unstable country in world’

Pakistan is ranked fifth in the list of the world’s most unstable countries, according to the US State Department’s Global Peace Index (GPI). Only Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and Sudan rank lower that Pakistan, whose position deteriorated for the second consecutive year as it slipped three places to find itself placed in the bottom five in the list of 149 countries.

Among other South Asian countries Nepal has the best record and is ranked 82nd in the list, while India finds itself in the 128th spot, The Dawn reports.

The report pointed out that Pakistan’s score and rank did not fall further in part because of an improvement in the measure of relations with neighbouring countries, albeit from the lowest possible level, and a slight rise in political stability.

The report also said that the “overall, government level relations between India and Pakistan are much stronger than in the past, and the fact that India’s recent general election resulted in another government led by the Indian National Congress party means that Indian policy towards Pakistan will remain stable.” (ANI)


Courtesy:- http://sify.com/news/pakistan-fifth-most-unstable-country-in-world-news-international-kglnadichah.html

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