Tag Archives: Hazart Ayesha

Singer-turned-preacher Junaid Jamshed accused of Blasphemy

Pakistan: The singer-turned- preacher Junaid Jamshed has been accused of Blasphemy. The situation broke out when, Junaid Jamshed’s video got viral in which he found to pass disrespecting remarks about Hazart Ayesha ; wife of  Hazart Muhammad (PBHU). Earlier, J.J in recent times also came under the ridar of Liberal section of Pakistan, when he gave a tip in a live show that if you want to control your wives, dont let them drive the car.

Here is the Video: http://www.thenewsteller.com/2014/12/pakistan/singer-turned-preacher-junaid-jamshed-accused-blasphemy/#sthash.rBQnWXxG.dpuf

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