Tag Archives: Pashtun Nationalism

An other declaration of war against Pashtun/Afghan

by Zar Ali Khan Musazai
I try my best to forget the shocking news of a misery in mean time other engulfs me,( Khushal Khan baba)
Pashtun nation once again bled by the hands of terrorists who committed suicide attack on a mosque in Jamrud, Khyber Agency FATA in which more than 100 innocent Pashtun martyred while more than 150 were serious wounded. This is an other declaration of war against Pashtun nation when their worship place was attacked after the explosion at the shrine of great Pashtun/Afghan poet Rehman baba which was targeted by the terrorists few days ago. Pashtuns’ blood has turned cheaper than water in the area administered by the Pakistan.

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Militancy in Pashtunkhwa and repercussions

By Zar Ali Khan Musazai
The writer can be reached at pdc_afg@yahoo.com
Some times back J1 Ameer Qazi Hussian Ahmad staged a protest demonstration in Khyber Bazar Peshawar and demanded of the government to halt supply to NATO in Afghanistan. His party men and other activists proudly and foolishly proclaimed that they had started a campaign which would create hindrances for the forces stationed in Afghanistan which have perched there under the resolution of UN. One wonders as to why Jumat-i-Islami got impetus these days to stop supply line though they were the masters of gold and silver only a year time ago in this province of Pashtun but they kept mum by the time and the supply was smoothly going on and there was neither religion involved nor any other harm but now they realized it to be against the religion which they exploit and mislead the innocent souls on the name of religion. There are reports that US military sends 75% of supplies to Afghanistan through, Khyber Pass, includes 40% of the fuel for its troops. NATO and Russia signed a land transit agreement in April last year allowing alliance to use Russian land to deliver non-lethal supplies to troops; in Afghanistan.

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