Tag Archives: Stephen P.Cohen

Who is in Pakistan’s establishment?

Establishment (Pakistan)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistan’s Establishment is a term used commonly by Pakistani analysts for the Military dominant oligarchy in Pakistan. This group of individuals, while not exclusively Military, are considered key decision makers in major policy decisions like Pakistan’s nuclear programme, the defence budget and the use of Intelligence Agencies in Pakistan. The best description of the Establishment has been by Stephen P. Cohen in his book the Idea of Pakistan. Cohen calls this establishment a “moderate oligarchy” and defines it as “an informal political system that [ties] together the senior ranks of the military, the civil service, key members of the judiciary, and other elites.” Membership in this oligarchy, Cohen contends, requires adherence to a common set of beliefs: that India must be countered at every turn; that nuclear weapons have endowed Pakistan with security and status; that the fight for Kashmir is unfinished business from the time of partition; that large-scale social reforms such as land redistribution are unacceptable; that the uneducated and illiterate masses deserve only contempt; that vociferous Muslim nationalism is desirable but true Islamism is not; and that Washington is to be despised but fully taken advantage of. Underlying these “core principles,” one might add, is a willingness to serve power at any cost.

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